hardy har har

hardy har har November 14, 2011

From Rudyard Kipling’s Captain’s Courageous:

Like many other unfortunate young people, Harvey had never in all his life received a direct order–never, at least, without long, and sometimes tearful, explanations of the advantages of obedience and the reasons for the request. Mrs. Cheyne lived in fear of breaking his spirit, which, perhaps, was the reason that she herself walked on the edge of nervous prostration. He could not see why he should be expected to hurry for any man’s pleasure, and said so. “Your dad can come down here if he’s so anxious to talk to me. I want him to take me to New York right away. It’ll pay him.”
Dan opened his eyes as the size and beauty of this joke dawned on him. “Say Dad!” he shouted up the foc’sle hatch, “he says you kin slip down an’ see him ef you’re anxious that way. ‘Hear, Dad?”
The answer came back in the deepest voice Harvey had ever heard from a human chest: “Quit foolin’, Dan, and send him to me.”

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