SDfAoWOP: The Fall

SDfAoWOP: The Fall April 14, 2014

Day Four

Genesis 3:6

So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate.

So there's the woman. She's been put in the garden to help the man. He's supposed to tend the garden and honestly, as so many have pointed out before, she's supposed to tend him. His ego is as a delicate tiny porcelain tea cup that she holds in the palm of her hand. One false move and it's shattered in a million pieces all over the garden floor. But he's also supposed to care for her, even as he manages and works the garden. He's supposed to stop working for a few minutes to tell her how great God is–so great he only gave one single thing to remember. Only One! Don't eat from the tree. But, like the great burden of trying to keep a hold of one's car keys, this one thing turned out to be too much. For whatever reason, he changed the One Thing slightly and possibly even gave a garbled account of the Original Conversation (between himself and God) and then occupied himself with whatever it was that he was doing while She began an Epic Battle with Leviathan.

Are you wrestling with Satan in the course of your ordinary daily activities? Trying to do your own job and everyone else's? Ill-equipped to do any of the jobs and lonely in the doing of all of them?

But God, walking the cool of the day wasn't surprised at this Great and Catastrophic Fall. When you fall prey to the Enemy, trying to manage everyone's life, embittered that The Man was With her–what on earth was he doing? Where was his sword? Why wasn't he fighting the battle? Where is he now? Nevertheless forgive him this instant and have mercy on him–hoping to keep it together until the darkness falls and you can sit down for a minute or two, remember that this is only Chapter Three and that They were pushed out of the Garden but that God went with them. He clothed them and went with them.


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