Off I Go

Off I Go October 24, 2017


So, I’m just going to be having a spot of travel today, if you have time to pray. I’m off to Nairobi just in time for the election redo, because what better time to go, when it’s getting really exciting and hotting up.

Actually, that’s not really why I’m going. That part is just providence. No, my lovely dad is doing, to use a technical medical word, poorly. And my mom has been going relentlessly for several weeks now. And it would be really great if they could come back to the states fairly quickly. But that means both muscle and moral support. So off I’m going to see if I can’t wrench either of those qualities from somewhere or other. I’ll only be gone a week, here’s hoping, that being the time I imagine the election aftermath should be sort of dying back, and hopefully enough time to help think through the logistics of my parents coming home. I’d love for there to be a miracle and us all to be able to come back together, but that’s beyond me, as indeed almost everything in life is.

So, if you’re the praying kind, and you don’t have anything else to do between today and tomorrow, now you have something!

So, for prayer–I’m squeaking into Nairobi late Wednesday night, which should give me Whole Hours to get from the airport to my parents to join in a city wide staying inside and hunkering down before what every body expects to be an exciting time–the wrong sort of exciting. It’s the little people who are so un-helped by political upheaval. The people who want to go to work but can’t make it from one place to another safely, who get caught in the way of other people’s big ideas.

And you could pray for my kids, who suddenly discovered a deep affection for me last night, and are looking sadly around at all the picking up and putting things away they’ll have to do on their own without me shouting at them. They all really want to go, of course. And staying home to do school instead of flying away in a massive, petrol filled, very heavy metal tube potentially filled with scary people seems like a completely terrible thing to have happen to them.

And for Matt who will probably not enjoy himself this week.
And lots and lots for my dad who is just sort of collapsing. There are some clues about what might be wrong, but not big obvious ones. It’s going to be hard for him to fly home because he can’t make it across a room very easily, and really needs a chair all the time. You might particularly pray for a doctor here in the states who would be curious and capable of figuring things out, quickly, as it were.

So there you are. I just have to decide what to wear on an airplane (not yoga pants), and run around in a panicky kind of way, and do a lot of email while just generally freaking out. I hope to be online and regularly blogging, but I have no idea how that will go. So stay tuned, or better yet, go away and pray for God to pay attention, since he’s the only one who can sort out all the problems of our lives, and very often he does, though never in the way that we expect and hope that he will.

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