Today I’m Thankful for You

Today I’m Thankful for You November 23, 2017


Its not difficult for me at all to find voluminous waves of gratitude wafting about me for each and every one of you, Dear Readers. Every morning when I pop open my screen and cast about in the darkness for two or three words to shove together, I am only ever doing it to amuse and please myself. This blog, from start to finish, is an exercise is vanity. But rather than readily admitting this to myself, instead I quietly recast the daily page as Self Care. I need this, I say to myself, it’s good for me. If I don’t write something bad will probably happen to me.

But then, occasionally, various readers will mention to me that something I wrote or something I said was helpful, was encouraging, was useful in some way to them. And then I open my eyes in surprise, and repeat those immortal words, “What I meant for evil, God turned around for good.” That my daily selfishness should be a help, well, that’s divine providence.

But I’m even more thankful because as a result of my self indulgence I’ve gotten to virtually meet many of you, and have formed real and true friendships that I can’t imagine living without, and have even gotten to meet some of you in person. The whole world has been enriched and opened up for me by the fascinating and curious people I’ve gotten to know through blogging.

So Thank You! And may God turn every single one of my vain endeavors into such a feast. Happy Thanksgiving.


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