Love and Respect my Personhood Podcast and Links

Love and Respect my Personhood Podcast and Links March 27, 2023

It is a cool, breezy, spring-like day here in the Northeast. Not exactly cold, but by no means warm either. I saw one daffodil yesterday. So that must be something. In honor of the occasion, we’ve done a decently lengthed podcast about our upcoming trip to the GAFCON meeting, what will happen to the Anglican Communion, that time when Al Mohler was made Dean of that Seminary, why it is so hard for men and women to get along together, and the only way to make it ok. We also plug the forthcoming extra 20 minutes of Demotivations on Substack which will hopefully go out shortly, as soon as we manage to solve our various technical troubles.

Here is the Lutheran Satire thing.

And here is the Al Mohler thing.

This is so cool–the Aquila Report talked about my Two Narratives Collided in a Wood piece.

This looks like it would be an interesting book.

This is so fun.

Fantastic sermon will be back next week, but here is a helpful class.

Have a super awesome day if you’re into that sort of thing!

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