Gendercide in India

Gendercide in India April 10, 2013


Sex-selected abortion.

The “problem” is as old as misogyny, which is to say, it goes back to the day we were cast out of the garden. Baby boys are wanted all over the world, baby girls, not so much.

Christianity has always stood against killing babies. It has always opposed taking the life of any innocent person, including that most innocent of persons, the baby in the womb. There are no exceptions in Christianity which allow people to kill their baby girls, either born or unborn. Killing a baby girl is murder. Murder is a mortal sin. Unrepented and unforgiven, murdering a baby girl will send you to hell for eternity.

I am deliberately using stark language because I think we dress things up a bit too much sometimes. In our zeal to keep the peace and not offend, we weaken the message until it loses its meaning.

Gendercide is just a fancy way of saying mass murder of baby girls by means of abortion. Sex-selected abortion is just another way of saying misogyny. It is blood-soaked sin that will send everyone involved straight to eternal hell.

India is one of the places where sex-selected abortion has become a means of satisfying the demand for boys. China is another such place. Explanations focus on dowries, care for elderly parents and the religious rites that only a son can perform.

It will interesting to see what effect the persecuted, but growing, Christian population of India will have on this situation over time. Among other things, I imagine that they will be the ones who end up having enough girls to sustain their culture.

The following video discusses the murder of India’s daughters by their own parents with what must, as a practical necessity, be the  collusion of much of the rest of Indian society.

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