I Have Terminal Cotton Brain. It’s Time for a Break

I Have Terminal Cotton Brain. It’s Time for a Break May 17, 2013

Note: I originally said I’d be back Monday, May 20th. I meant to say Tuesday, May 28th. This kind of cotton-brainedness is why I need to take off for a few days.

Never fear — I’ll be back, and I’ll do it on the 28th, which, if my calendar knows its stuff, is the day after Memorial Day.

We’re coming up on the end of session in the Oklahoma House of Representatives.

That means we’re debating all the emotional issues we’ve put off until now. It also means that I’m mentally tired. Also physically tired.

I have cotton brain. I am afflicted with the mental fuzzy wuzzies, and that’s not so good for someone with my job.

I need to focus my thoughts and energies on legislating for the next few days.

So, I’m taking next week off from blogging. Feel free to continue discussing here. I’ll check your comments and put them up for you.

I’ll be back on Monday, May 28th.


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