Teaching Us to Drink Hemlock Kool-Aid

Teaching Us to Drink Hemlock Kool-Aid March 24, 2014

This is a casual grouping of You Tube videos demonstrating the push to normalize both polygamy and “polyamory.”

We’re being taught to accept this folks, the same way we were taught to accept gay marriage. We are being offered Kool-Aid that is laced with spiritual and societal hemlock.

Don’t drink it yourself, and point out what’s happening to those around you. Most important of all, talk about it with your children and teach them how evil it is.

Here’s the trailer on from My Five Wives, TLC’s latest sell-job on polygamy.

Sister Wives pushes “plural marriage” in the courts. This one isn’t as worshipful of polygamy.

Big Love. Where the sell job started.

And, if that’s not enough, let’s look at the sell-job on “polyamory.”




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