Christian Holocaust in Iraq. There are No Words.

Christian Holocaust in Iraq. There are No Words. August 7, 2014

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I can’t write about what’s happening to Christians in Iraq.

I have no words.

I can not forget that America contributed to this situation with our war on Iraq earlier in this century.

Again, I have no words.

Here are links from around the internet.


ISIS Burns Down Church

Report from Iraq: families throwing children from a mountaintop to keep them from terrorists.

ISIS has Conquered All Christian Villages Around Mosul

ISIS is Likely Receiving Funding from People Living in Countries Allied with US

State Dept: Syrian Christian Persecutuion Part of Largest Displacement of Reigious Communitiees in Recent Memory. 


Isis iraq war crimes si

Worldwide Christian Persecution is Increasing and is Largely Ignored. 

The Spreading Scourge of Christian Persecution

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