ISIS, Genocide and Us. Whither are we Tending?

ISIS, Genocide and Us. Whither are we Tending? August 8, 2014

Pic giant 071414 SM Abu Bakr al Baghdadi

Isis leader Bashu Bakr al-Baghadi

These videos are hard to watch. But we need to know.

We also need to think.

If you are like me, watching these will enrage you. That’s an ok place to start. But we need to get past that and think.

America is part of this, has been part of it ever since 9/11.

We need to get real about what’s happening. The American people are so misinformed and propagandized these days that they have trouble assessing things.

I deal with the public a lot and have for many years. I have witnessed an appalling loss of thinking ability in the public at large. People talk in circles, recite slogans as if they were facts, and follow this or that demagogue with a blind allegiance that is scary to behold.

We need to think, and by that, I mean think for ourselves with all our rational wits.

But first, we need to know. These videos are not thoughtful, exhaustive or balanced. But they portray a hard reality that we’ve got to know.

Only after we know will we be able to begin the process of working out whither we are tending.

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