Our Churches are Re-Opening. Respond with Love and Prayer.

Our Churches are Re-Opening. Respond with Love and Prayer. May 18, 2020

Photo Source: Flickr Creative Commons by Quinn Dombrowski https://www.flickr.com/photos/quinnanya/

The Archdiocese of Oklahoma City, my diocese, is beginning public mass again today. They will also continue to offer mass online for those who are unable to be there physically.

I know that this is happening all around the country, and not just here in my diocese.

Let’s all pray for the safety of our priests, many of whom are elderly men, as they begin the risky business of providing the sacraments in this time of COVID-19.

I pray that our Catholic Churches will not become disease vectors for the virus, and that none of our priests, deacons and lay leaders will become ill as a result of providing the mass to us.

I wrote a post a few days ago in which I encouraged people who are over 55 or who have any kind of health problem to honor the wonderful gift of life they have been given by staying home and participating in the mass on the internet.

I also believe that children should be kept home and participate in the mass on the internet. Our children are a gift from God. It is our responsibility to protect them and, to the best of our ability, keep them healthy.

They cannot make decisions such as this for themselves. It is our job as their parents, grandparents and guardians to make wise decisions for them. Keep them home and worship with them by participating in the mass on the internet. Do not endanger your children.

I also repeat that it would be an act of charity and love of our priests and fellow Catholics if those who take communion on the tongue would refrain from doing so until the danger of infection has passed.

I realize that taking communion on the tongue has a profound meaning for some people. I know that there are internet priests who are encouraging their followers to forego concerns for the public health and safety and insist on taking communion on the tongue.

But I also know that every single human being is made in the Image and Likeness of the Living God. You do not have the right to endanger their lives.

Think for a moment. Do you really believe that Jesus would endanger the life of a human being, that He would deliberately do something that made them sick and cause them to suffer and perhaps die? Read through the Gospels. Show me where He said that the lives of individual human beings are secondary and expendable.

I believe that the Eucharist contains the Presence of the living Christ. I also believe that every person — every single human being — is the Eucharist, right in front of us.

Human life is sacred. You may not kill a human being in the name of anything, but especially not in the name of Jesus.

I hope that people who simply cannot bring themselves to take communion in the hand will forego communion until this virus has passed. Do it with love and from a desire to protect your fellow worshipper. Offer your suffering in this act of charity for the salvation of souls.

Pick out someone you know who does not believe in Jesus and offer it for their salvation. Pray for them when the priest lifts the cup and offer your sacrifice for them.

Jesus asked, Which is lawful on the Sabbath, to do good or to do evil, to save a life or to kill? 

Pray for our priests, deacons and lay leaders as our churches re-open. Resolve that you will live out your faith in this time in a way that does not endanger even one human life, including your own.



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