This Election is a choice between two sexual predators. If that’s not a rape culture, what is?

This Election is a choice between two sexual predators. If that’s not a rape culture, what is? May 4, 2020

Photo Source: Flickr Creative Commons by GovernmentZA

Former Vice President Biden, who is the presumed Democratic nominee for president in 2020, has been credibly accused of digital rape by a former member of his staff. 

I’m not going to parse all the ugly surrounding this situation. I’ll just say what I think right up front: I believe her. 

I also wish that Biden was not the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee.

That said, I have a more global point I want to make.

First of all, the President of the United States is on tape bragging about committing sexual assault. He is also on record bragging on the Howard Stern show about using his position as the owner of Miss Teen America to practice peeping-tomism against teen-aged girls while they were dressing and undressing.

Many of the girls have come forward to say that he did it to them and they were humiliated and traumatized to have this fat old man oogling them while they undressed. They were helpless to stop him because he owned the pageant. 

Then, there’s the TWENTY-FIVE WOMEN who have made credible charges of sexual assault against President Trump, including digital rape. (Shouting intended folks.) Some of these women are prominent people with a lot to lose for having come forward.

Now, let’s turn to the late great Alabama Senate race in which the Republican candidate for senate was credibly accused of having molested minors. That makes him a child molester. 

Lest we forget, we have two men sitting on the United States Supreme Court and voting on Constitutional questions concerning women’s human rights, who have been credibly accused of sexual harassment and attempted rape. Both these men are so-called “conservative” Republican nominees whose confirmation was pushed through by means of attacking and degrading the women who had the courage to come forward.

It’s worth mentioning that then Senator Biden played a part in pushing the sexual harasser’s confirmation through, even though he was in the opposite political party. I consider that consistent with him being a sexual predator himself. You know; professional courtesy. The women in question were responsible professionals with a lot of lose by coming forward. 

Do you see a picture emerging here?

I doubt it.

From what I’ve seen, John Heywood’s comment that “there are none so blind as those who will not see” applies absolutely to questions of sexual assault and women’s human rights. 

Given that so many people will not see the truth of sexual assault and rape in America today, let me spell it out for you. We live in a rape culture. 

Let me say that again: We live in a rape culture. 

One more time:


No one suffers more vicious attacks than women who step forward to say they’ve been sexually assaulted by a powerful man. From Woody Allen, to Clarence Thomas, to Harvey Weinstein, to Bill Clinton, to Bill Cosby, to Donald Trump, to Roy Moore, to Brett Kavanaugh, to Joe Biden, our society gives these guys a pass and attacks the women. 

There are certain reprobate dog dirt trash who love to use these situations as political gotcha. Thus we are treated to seeing members of one political party going in for pretend “surprise” when members of the other political party back the sexual predator on their team.

That has nothing to do with standing up for victims. They’re playing political games. The women mean nothing to them. Rape means nothing to them. They are enablers of these men and nothing else. I mean that: Nothing else. 

We knew that two nominees for the Supreme Court were sexual predators. The senate confirmed them anyway. 

We knew that the man in the White House was a repeated sexual predator and pedophile. We elected him anyway.  

The Republicans knew Roy Moore was a pedophile. They backed him anyway. 

We now know that Joe Biden is a sexual predator. 

This upcoming election is shaping up to be a choice between two dirt-bag sexual predators. 

The worst part of this whole thing is that our so-called religious leaders never fail to back sexual predators. From sexual-predator bishops protecting baby-raping priests, to televangelists making a false idol out of Trump, to the revered founder of Priests for Life actually claiming that this woman-hating sexual predator is the embodiment of Catholic social teaching, our religious leaders never met a sexual predator they didn’t like. 

That’s a rape culture. 

It is an entrenched, don’t-give-a-hoot-about-women, misogynist-right-down-to-the-ground, amoral-all-the-way-through rape culture. 

It’s a cruel, uncaring, immoral, uncivilized, woman-hating, holier-than-thou, lying-out-every-bodily-orifice rape culture. 

Let me say it again:

We live in a rape culture. 

Tomorrow, let’s talk about you people who support these guys. You’re rapist enablers. You aren’t part of the problem. You are the problem. Without you, there would still be sexual predators. But the rape culture that has allowed this cancer to grow and grow would not exist. 

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