He’s Crazy. Anybody Can See it. Trump Threatens to Adjourn Congress to Get His Nominees In Power.

He’s Crazy. Anybody Can See it. Trump Threatens to Adjourn Congress to Get His Nominees In Power. April 16, 2020

Photo Source: Wikimedia Commons, public domain.

He’s crazy. Anybody can see it.

After three years of watching President Trump wave his crazy around like a flag, it should be obvious that he’s not faking crazy. He is crazy.

I don’t know and don’t even care what the technical diagnosis might be. The elevator doesn’t go all the way to the top with this guy. Anybody can see it.

Unfortunately, he isn’t a fuzzy out of whack harmless crazy. He’s mean as a snake destructive and vengeful crazy. It’s really scary to consider what he might do to all of us with another term in office.

Today’s crazy from the White House is a result of the fact that somebody who had read the Constitution must have told President Trump, (who clearly doesn’t give a whit for the Constitution) about a little-known, never-used bit of verbiage that gives the prez the ability to adjourn Congress in certain circumstances.

Whoever told him about this needs to mind their mouth more carefully. Handing Trump information that he can use as a threat or do harm to the country with is like handing a loaded AK-47 to an enraged toddler.

But they told him, and off he went on one of his threatathons. He decided with his usual unconcern for the welfare of the people of this nation that right now, right in the middle of a pandemic, was the time for him to threaten to adjourn Congress and seize dictatorial powers if Congress didn’t confirm his appointees.

This reminded me of Henry VIII, threatening to dissolve Parliament if they didn’t vote him the taxes he wanted. Of course, Henry, even at his most crazy and destructive, wasn’t stupid enough to behave like Trump. He played certain factions carefully because he realized what Trump does not: Even dictatorial power can run up against its limits.

As it turns out, Trump has finally come up with something that gives the Senate Majority leader pause. To be honest, this surprises me a bit. Of course, McConnell is up for election. Maybe he doesn’t want to be a former senator.

As to be expected, Trump is trying to find a scapegoat for his own fails. He wants to blame his incompetent performance in this pandemic on the fact that he has appointees who haven’t been confirmed.

He’s kind of overlooking the fact that he’s been president for three — count them — long years, and for two of those years his party held majorities in both houses of Congress. If there is any problem with vacancies in his government, it lies with him.

I’ve learned that you can’t make predictions about what Trump will do next. He might decide to abandon this idea altogether and claim that the whole thing is a lie made up by the media. Or, he may dig in and got all out on it to use it as a diversion.

Then again, he could wake up at 2 am and decide it’s time to fire Dr Fauci, or disband the CDC, or call Meryl Streep another name, or take a swipe at the Canadian Prime Minister. Maybe he’ll do all of it.

All you can be sure of is that whatever he does, it will hurt somebody, somewhere.

He’s crazy folks. Anybody can see it.

From New York Times:

WASHINGTON — President Trump, furious over government vacancies he said were hindering his administration’s coronavirus response, threatened on Wednesday to invoke a never-before-used presidential power to adjourn Congress so he could fill the positions temporarily himself.

The top Senate Republican, Senator Mitch McConnell, quickly let it be known that would not happen.

From The Hill:

Trump threatens to adjourn both chambers of Congress

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