October 11, 2023

Republicans in the United States Senate continue to do nothing while one of their own, Senator Tommy Tuberville, decapitates America’s military. For months, Tuberville has used his committee position to block the appointment of any officers to any position of command within the United States military. He announced today that he’s doubling down on his attack on America’s military preparedness, no matter the Hamas attack on Israel. Mitch McConnell could remove Tuberville from his committee assignment with a flick of... Read more

October 11, 2023

We are swimming in a sea of evil. The pillars of civilized society are shaken by corruption of faith and false idols of power. Here in America, our clergy sell the Cross for access to political power and money. Savage warfare in the mis-used name of God bears down on people in the Middle East, while equally savage warfare seeks to enslave Ukraine in the name of the avaricious dreams of empire of one sin-sick and evil man. We are... Read more

October 9, 2023

Israel has been attacked and hundreds Israeli citizens are dead. Many others have been taken hostage. The whole world has seen the videos of bleeding, terrified Israelis with hoods over their heads being shoved and slung around by Hamas “soldiers” triumphantly yelling “Allah Akbar.”  We’ve seen the photos of the gutted buildings and bodies lying in the streets. I watched the speech given by the Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations in which he said that this was going to... Read more

October 5, 2023

Cable News reacted to the ouster of Speaker McCarthy two days ago in varied ways.  As usual with these things, there was a momentary confusion among the right wing commentators as they waited for instructions on what their “story” was going to be. In that little lapse, they did what often happens in these moments of no instruction from higher up. Lacking direction on what the “spin” on the ouster was going to be, they said things that were more... Read more

October 4, 2023

Republicans in the United States House of Representatives tossed aside their Speaker yesterday. It remains to be seen what new insanity they will dump on this country in the coming days. But if past is prelude, it will be another chapter of hate-driven, destructive chaos that damages America and harms every living one of us. Yesterday’s Republican “debate” on the question of whether or not to shuck the Speaker they had elected just a few months ago put their hate-filled... Read more

August 25, 2023

Trump has been the projected winner of the Republican presidential nomination since before he announced his candidacy. Talking heads in print news, network news, cable news, podcasts and the blogosphere, are sharply divided on most things. But on this they are unanimous: Polling shows that Trump will be the Republican Party’s nominee in 2024. They are so sure Trump will win that they are saying that Trump’s opponents are not running for the nomination, that they are actually auditioning to... Read more

August 15, 2023

Donald Trump, the race-baiting, woman-hating, rapist/serial sexual predator, was indicted yesterday by — get ready for this — a black woman prosecutor, and she did it in that bastion of the Old Confederacy, the great state of Georgia. The democracy that Trump tried to destroy coughed up the most fitting answer to his depredations against women and black people possible, and in the doing of it demonstrated the power and the hope that democracy represents for all of us.  Trump... Read more

July 26, 2023

Today, the House held a bi-partisan hearing on UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena), or, as we little folk like to call them UFOs. Several reputable military personnel testified under oath to events they said they personally had witnessed.  Meanwhile, over in the Senate, Chuck Schumer has come up with legislation to declassify documents on the subject. The cherry on top is that a couple of years ago former President Obama allowed as how “there is something ‘very interesting’ about UFOs,” that... Read more

July 14, 2023

Mike Pence spins and turns in on himself in his slow irrelevant dance of pious non sequiturs. It is not admirable or even interesting watching this perfectly-groomed man with his helmet-head hair and old-time radio-announcer’s voice try to distance himself from the single moment of greatness in his life. Every utterance in every interview pushes him further away from the one brave thing he has ever done in his public life, until it seems as if Mike Pence, the man... Read more

December 21, 2022

Woe to you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you shut the door of the Kingdom of Heaven in people’s faces. You won’t go in yourselves, and you don’t let others enter either. Jesus Christ Christian clergy, by ignoring the Gospels and the Ten Commandments, have turned large swaths of American christianity into an amoral, corrupt, vicious arm of the Neo Nazi right wing. They have supported just about every evil that Scripture condemns and attacked many... Read more

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