August 24, 2022

President Biden just gave a huge help to young families all across this country. It isn’t enough. But it’s very important, and no Republican would have done it.  I fully expect right wing religious leaders, including “star” right wing internet priests, to oppose it.  But this old granny who paid off all her student loans decades ago is thrilled that President Biden is providing between $10,000 and $20,000 in student debt relief to our young people. I think it’s just... Read more

August 22, 2022

  So … are bullet rosaries “a thing” or did somebody make it up? Atlantic Monthly recently published an article discussing what it called the “weaponization of the rosary.” The reaction from right wing Catholics was immediate and predictable. They latched onto the article as an opportunity to generate outrage — and clicks and donations and revenue from advertisers — among and from their followers. The whole thing reached such a crescendo that Bishop Baron hopped onto Fox News, to excoriate the... Read more

August 14, 2022

  I heard the bomb. The blast rattled the windows of my house.  I heard the explosion, heard it continue rumbling after the initial crack. I didn’t know what it was, didn’t know that the extended sound was the building, pancaking down.  My three-year-old and I exchanged looks. “What was that?” I said.  We had just taken my husband, his father, to work so that we could have the family car for the day. The drive had taken us past... Read more

July 28, 2022

In the face of this deplorable evil, the church kneels before God and implores his forgiveness for the sins of her children. I myself wish to reaffirm this, with shame and unambiguously. I humbly beg forgiveness for the evil committed by so many Christians against the Indigenous Peoples.    Pope Francis     I have read that a certain segment of Catholics are upset and angry because Pope Francis apologized to the native people of Canada. They are outraged that... Read more

July 20, 2022

It began with a hack.  Or rather, it began with me, being a dummy and giving away information that I should have held close.  A longtime friend of mine, someone I served with in the Oklahoma House of Representatives, contacted me through Facebook. He told me that he’d lost my info. So, I blithely gave him my phone number and email address. I cooperated with him completely because I trust him completely.  The only trouble was that the person I... Read more

June 27, 2022

I skipped mass yesterday.  It was the best decision I’ve made for my own spiritual and moral health in a long time.  I’ve been living in a kind of purgatory ever since the Kavanaugh confirmation. The reason is clear cut.   What happened to me is that the Kavanaugh hearing destroyed my belief in the goodness of the Church. It was a two part change. First, I stopped believing that the bishops care if women are raped, tortured and murdered.... Read more

June 24, 2022

The Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade today. I’ve linked to the full decision so that you can read it yourself. It begins with a syllabus, which is basically the Cliff Notes. You can scroll down through that to get to the full decision itself. I haven’t read it yet. But I did glance at it. From what I saw, Alito cleaned up his language a bit, but most of the things that troubled me about his verbiage in the... Read more

June 23, 2022

The first Democratic witness testified on Day 4 of the hearings on Trump’s attempt to overthrow America’s government and make himself a dictator. The other witnesses have all been career Republicans who have held high positions in our government for years. Most of them have been attorneys and White House staff or Republican elected officials. They were, to a person, active Trump supporters in the 2020 election. Many of them had spent years working as Trump’s toadies. They had been... Read more

June 23, 2022

If you missed Day 4 of the committee hearings on the Jan 6 coup attempt by Donald Trump, you can watch it here. The abuse that Trump and his supporters heaped on the few Republican officials — all of whom had supported Trump’s bid for re-election — who refused to destroy America for him, was outrageous and dangerous. For a president to use his powers in this way is a contradiction of everything our country stands for. It is something... Read more

June 17, 2022

Here is yesterday’s hearing of the Jan 6 Committee. The hearings had a long patch in which a witness explained the legal reasons for why what Trump and his crew did was treasonous. It gets off into the legal weeds a bit. The easy way to summarize it is to say that America is not Russia or a tin-pot third world dictatorship. America is a Republic, and Americans are a free people because it is a Republic. Our leaders do... Read more

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