Four essays of mine have been published in new anthologies, and I'm especially thrilled to be included in Why Black Lives Matter Too: A Revolutionary Call to Action. All proceeds will benefit The Sentencing Project. Read more
Only I could turn Beltane into yet another guilt trip. But only Peter could remind me what the day is really for. Read more
Dear Thief Who Keeps Stealing My Black Lives Matter Sign, Thank you. While I realize it wasn't your intent to encourage me, I want you to know: your efforts have made a real difference to me. Read more
All of us are loved. All of us have the potential to become whole--more like our best selves and less like our worst. Read more
To write about Spirit is to risk distorting or distracting from the experience itself, whether of ritual, dream, or gnosis. Words are two dimensional, even when they create the illusion of more, and we always change the map of the world when we render it flat. Read more
I wish I had never seen this, but I've actually seen it more times than I care to count: a black person speaks out against present-day racism and violence, and a white person attempts to shame him into silence by invoking Martin Luther King and what the white person is pleased to call "non-violence." Read more
This world is so beautiful. And yet, in spite of that, we humans manage to bring so much ugliness into it. Read more
Families change. Traditions evolve; we craft some that are new, and others we must lay aside. After all, that is what Yule is about: Renewal. Some things must change... but some are forever the same. Read more
Grief is a skill, and one that improves with use. Read more