June 3, 2022

There continues to be an alarming amount of scorn towards deconstruction, the process of re-analyzing one's faith, and this venom deserves addressing. Read more

May 31, 2022

In Psalm 94:18-19, we see a reminder that God actively works to soothe the anxious pangs of the heart, encouraging us to keep marching on. Read more

May 27, 2022

In "Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban", we see Harry perform an action that works as a great analogy for the "Good Samaritan" parable. Read more

May 17, 2022

The story of David and Jonathan in 1 Samuel is a touching tale of love and friendship that undermined King Saul's ill will. Read more

May 16, 2022

Reading about King Saul's slaughter of the city of Nob in 1 Samuel is disturbing to say the least, especially when it was a city of God's priests. Read more

May 14, 2022

Bibliolatry is a word that refers to Christians cherry-picking Bible verses for the sake of dogma. This can easily lead to using verses to justify abuse. Read more

May 7, 2022

Something that particularly bothers me about this John MacArthur scandal is the toxic take we're seeing on forgiveness and accountability. Read more

May 3, 2022

Defending Catholicism as a Protestant is important, especially in light of the arguable hatred our Catholic siblings receive for their faith. Read more

April 27, 2022

Addressing the issues with the "Sola Scriptura" ("only Scripture") belief entails discussing how it mishandles how we receive teaching and authority. Read more

April 25, 2022

Purgatory is a Catholic doctrine that baffles Protestant minds like mine. Understanding the nature of sin helps us comprehend why Purgatory exists. Read more

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