April 23, 2022

I've enjoyed learning more about the communion and intercession of the saints in the Catholic Church! We're united as one Body of Christ. Read more

April 22, 2022

There's been plenty of Evangelical scorn against how Catholicism sees Mary. The Catholic Church has been accused of worshipping her, which isn't the truth. Read more

April 16, 2022

I'm thrilled that Easter is here! This will be a great weekend spent with family and Christian musings over this important time. Read more

April 13, 2022

Psalm 56:3 is a verse that reminds us to put our trust in God whenever we're afraid. It's a verse I love reading, especially while dealing with depression. Read more

April 10, 2022

A year ago, God gently nudged me to admit that I'd been dealing with long-term depression. A year later, my wellness has greatly improved. Read more

April 8, 2022

Dreams and visions from God are more common than we think. When it comes to understanding them, the key is practicing discernment. Read more

April 6, 2022

Beth Moore is a shining example of the value of female preachers. When women are called by God to preach, they should be supported. Read more

April 2, 2022

In the story of Jesus resurrecting Lazarus, we see an analogy for God's compassion, especially towards us in the midst of grief. Read more

March 29, 2022

After watching a recent video from Christian apologist Alisa Childers, I've become more aware of faith extremities in Christianity. Read more

March 23, 2022

For Lent, I asked God to help me have a clean heart freed of the bitterness I've been carrying against other Christians, the prominent message in Psalm 51. Read more

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