The Best Diet Ever

The Best Diet Ever January 4, 2008

My secret New Year’s resolution was to lose 5 pounds. I didn’t want to tell anyone, because I didn’t need the pressure. Now here It is January 4th and I just want to say “Mission Accomplished!”

All it took was 2 1/2 days of a nasty stomach bug and I’m down 5 1/2. Woo-hoo! It hasn’t been pleasant, but it’s been real.

I’d like to thank my boss, Linda, from my part-time holiday job for making this possible. You see, she came to work sick, running to the toilet every 20 minutes with “the poops”, and passed it on to me. I gave it to my family….and presto! Nearly instant weight loss.

My husband came in this morning and asked if our scale was right because he weighed less than he had since I got pregnant with Little Kid #5. It would seem that I am not the only one to benefit from Linda’s “gift”.

What have I learned? If you have somewhere to go, and can’t get into that dress…don’t bother with the spanx….find someone with the stomach flu.*

*DISCLAIMER-this post is to no way be construed as endorsing bulemia or any other eating disorder. Don’t write me about that. Thanks.

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