April 15, 2023

Who lied, the Serpent or G-d? In the Christian Bible the snake says to Eve, before she eats the forbidden fruit, “Ye shall not surely die.”. This seems to some to make G-d a liar, because Eve does not die when she eats of the tree. However, death did eventually come to Eve and to all humans thereafter. Would death have come to her if she had never eaten of the tree of knowledge? Perhaps not. Therefore, we cannot say... Read more

April 11, 2023

  CNN reported this week about about a video of the Dalai Lama kissing a young boy and asking the child to suck his tongue. This is just the latest in a long succession of crimes against children committed by so called “holy men.”  This is why the wisdom of the Torah is needed today more desperately than ever. Leviticus teaches us  what should be done to a man who has sex with a child as part of a religious... Read more

April 11, 2023

I am repenting of the sin of Christianity and idolatry. As Easter approaches I have been really thinking about how  brainwashed I once was. I have put a lot of thought into the amount of crazy things you have to believe inorder to be a Christian and how I ended up there. Brainwashing is real. If you are told from infancy that this is the only way to heaven and the only other option is hell, you’re likely to believe... Read more

April 4, 2023

This Passover, don’t wait for the bread to rise! When G-d freed the Israelites from Egypt there was no time to wait for the bread to rise. They followed G-d’s instructions and left slavery in Egypt with only what they had prepared. They ate unleavened bread in the desert. Exodus 12:39 tells us: “With the dough the Israelites had brought from Egypt, they baked loaves of unleavened bread. The dough was without yeast because they had been driven out of... Read more

March 30, 2023

With many states now banning Trans performers, it is important to understand the religious arguments being made. Many Christians have voted for such bans. This is because they believe trans people are telling G-d she made a mistake when they change their gender. Also, they argue the holy text is against transgenders and homosexuality. However, Rabbi Elliot Kukla reminded us this week that ancient Judaism recognized six genders. Thus, the holy texts have always supported gender fluidity. The Genders of... Read more

March 26, 2023

Jesus was Jewish.  It is a subject neither Christianity nor Judaism like to talk about. However, the facts remain that, both in his genetics and his teachings Jesus was  Jewish. Genetically Jesus was Jewish Genetically, we know that Jesus was the son of Mary. His paternal line is of course up for debate, but does that even matter when Jewish heritage is traced through the mother? We know that Marry was Jewish.  She descended from Father Abraham and  was of... Read more

March 23, 2023

When others think about living under “The Law,” Jewish Law that is, they think of oppression. This is the trick modern Christianity has played on the world, convincing them that the law was oppressive but Christianity offers grace. In fact, Jewish law was meant to protect its people, and because we don’t follow Jewish law today we see many problems occurring within our health and world. In a time when their neighboring tribes had a life expectancy of 30ish, Jewish... Read more

March 18, 2023

The Torah is not against homosexuality. Rather, the Torah is against idolatry. You may be thinking but Leviticus 18:22  says, “A man should not lie with a man as he lies with a woman.”  Does it though? When we look at the Torah in it’s original language and within the time frame it was written, the message is not so clear.  In this article, we will explore what The Torah does and does not say about homosexual relationships. Leviticus in... Read more

March 11, 2023

Your relationship with G-d determines your children’s future. Even if your children stray from the path, your relationship with G-d can protect them and earn them blessings. Likewise, your contempt for G-d can bring down punishments on your children. For this reason, is it important to be diligent and loyal in our walk with G-d, not only for ourselves, but for our children’s future. We see G-d save a child because of the parent’s loyalty many times, throughout The Torah.... Read more

March 5, 2023

A 17 year old girl has been ordered to pay $150,000 to the family of her rapist. Pieper Lewis was only 15 when she was raped repeatedly by a man. The last time, she was taken to the man’s house at knife point. The man then drugged her and raped her. When she awoke and discovered he had raped her again, she stabbed him to death while he slept. Now 17, she is being ordered to pay the family of... Read more

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