How To Deal With Depression Before It Deals With You

How To Deal With Depression Before It Deals With You July 30, 2024

Woman depressed
Dealing with Depression
Image by Johnny Gunn from Pixabay

Is it possible that God wants to use our pain, even our self-inflicted agony and depression, to make us stronger and better rather than weaker and bitter? Is it possible that God can take whatever we surrender to Him, even our mess, and turn it into a miracle when we cry out for His help? What if God’s blessings sometimes come disguised as difficulties?

Depression doesn’t sit well on me, but as hard as I try, sometimes it covers me like a cold fog covering low ground.


I feel:

·      Gloomy.

·      Heavy.

·      Miserable.

I genuinely wish to tell you how easy it is to rise above and overcome life’s circumstances, but life is sometimes terribly hard. No matter what we do or how many hours we spend in prayer or with our therapist, life isn’t easy.

I’m not a big fan of positive confessions. You’re right; being positive is always better than being negative. And, of course, nobody likes Negative Ned—the equivalent of a Debbie Downer—but sometimes Ned seems like my only friend.

I will spare you the details of my current struggles, specifics that matter to me more than you. But I am wrestling with physical, emotional, and relational issues like never before.

Depression & the Blues
Image by Johnny Gunn from Pixabay

You don’t need to hear me complain.

I don’t like it when kids whine, and it’s worse when grown-ups do. But I will state it again, just in case you missed it: My life is complicated and challenging.

Some of you kinda-sorta-definitely think it’s good that I’m hurting. You know what I’ve done to you or others you care about, and it makes you a bit happy that I’m hurting.

Of course, if you are a Christ-follower, you know that getting revenge is evil. It’s that “vengeance is mine, saith the Lord” thing. However, let’s admit it. You feel vindicated and smile a little when someone like me gets what is coming to them in spades. (Side note: just because you might be wondering. “In spades” is an English idiom that means “in abundance.” You’re welcome.)

I understand how you feel. Years ago, the meanest boss I ever had while I worked in the banking industry was diagnosed with cancer. I told her I was praying for her. I wasn’t. I didn’t want her to die, but a bout with cancer seemed only fair to me.


We don’t like it when the bad guy prospers.

The Psalmist wrote, “I was ticked off when the cocky and wicked prospered! It angered me to see them fat and happy rather than miserable and in trouble” (Psalm 73:3-4, Bubna Paraphrase).

So, if you’ve been waiting for me to “get what I deserve,” sleep well tonight. It’s happening.

However, there might be some other things happening you should consider before you giggle with glee.

Is it possible that God is more concerned with our character than He is with our comfort? Isn’t He always using the good, the bad, and the ugly to transform us into the image of His Son?

In our Western Church culture, when we pray for blessing, we think that means an abundance of money and material possessions. But what if when we pray for wealth and goodness, God allows an abundance of struggle because He knows that is the best path to authentic and deeper blessing?

Man falling
Falling into Depression
Image by Layers from Pixabay

James, the half-brother of Jesus, was either a lunatic or onto something.

He wrote, “Get delighted and even a bit ecstatic when you face all sorts of tough things. Don’t forget that hard tests produce strong faith. Rather than deny or fight every challenge, allow them to make you better instead of bitter” James 1:2, Bubna Paraphrase).

·      I wish things were different in my life.

·      I wish I wasn’t reaping what I’ve sown.

·      I wish I felt better emotionally and physically.

·      I wish I drove a Tesla and not a twenty-four-year-old Toyota.

But . . . and you will hate this if you hate me: I have never felt so close to Jesus or loved by Abba. Never.

And as I realize how huge His heart is toward me and feel His hand holding mine regardless of how dark the valley is, the fog of failure dissipates, and my depression seems to lift.

Incredibly, God is always near me no matter what and always working for my good regardless of my bad.

Humbling, huh?

Tree in water
Image by Peggychoucair from Pixabay

So, how should you deal with depression before it deals with you?


·      You are not alone; Jesus is always near.

·      God isn’t mad at you; He’s mad about you.

·      God specializes in turning messes into miracles.

·      The Lord has a special place in His heart for the broken.

·      When in doubt, seek help out. See a therapist or counselor now.


Bottom line: Zoom out and see the bigger picture because I promise you that whatever you’re going through now will not last forever.

You can find out more about Kurt Bubna and his writing on Twitter and Facebook. You can read more about his views and insights, both in his books and on his website.

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