May 26, 2015

The media is reeling after the news broke last week that Joshua Duggar, the eldest son of the famed Duggar Family from TLC’s hit show “19 Kids And Counting” was guilty of molesting family members and other children when he was 14 years old. Duggar, who was the spokesperson for FRC Action, the non-profit legislation arm of the conservative evangelical public policy organization Family Research Council was forced to resign from his prominent public position in light of this scandal... Read more

May 19, 2015

Christians love to talk about Grace.  We love to talk about how we have been saved by Grace, how our theology is rooted in Grace, how the Gospel of Jesus finds it very foundation in Grace. We enjoy reflecting upon and contemplating the ethereal theological concept of Grace. For many of us, more theologically minded (read “nerds”) thinking about the beauty and grandeur of this word and it’s soteriological implication for the life of the Christian is like a drug.... Read more

May 9, 2015

· There are over 12.3 million adults and children in forcedlabor, bonded labor, and commercial sexual servitude at any given time. Of these victims, the ILO estimates that atleast 1.39 million are victims of commercial sexual servitude.–The Advocates for Human Rights ( I must admit. I have not been one to care about social justice. Honestly. I thought that is what liberal Christians did instead of preaching the Gospel to save souls from Hell. But over the last year, and... Read more

May 7, 2015

We are living in an age of great reformation and renewal- in the Church, in culture, and in society as a whole. Everything seems to be changing at a more rapid pace than it ever has before. In the midst of this all, many people of faith are gripping harder than ever to the certainty that our faith has given us to comprehend what is happening in our world. Still others of us are finding ourselves plagued with questions and doubts about... Read more

May 1, 2015

My faith has changed a lot over the past 10 years. It has taken me all around the theological and political/social spectrum. I have been very conservative and very liberal and seem to have found a temporary home in the space in between the two. But throughout my entire journey with all of its up’s and down’s, I have tried to remain rooted in a community of faith. I understood that even when I came to points where I disagreed... Read more

April 28, 2015

Tonight, my hometown, Baltimore, Maryland, is on fire. Literally. Stores are burning to the ground. Cars are engulfed in flames in the street. But there are also many other kinds of fires burning in Baltimore tonight. There are flames of rage in the hearts of many who live in the margins of the city that have continually been subjected to discrimination and harm at the hands of those who have been commissioned to protect them. The flames of passion and... Read more

April 16, 2015

I believe that salvation is based on the work of Christ on the cross alone, and not on any works we can do or any theology we espouse. This is a key part of the Biblical Gospel. Anyone who confesses that “Jesus is Lord” and turns to walk in the way of His Kingdom is adopted in to the family of God now and for eternity. This is the power of God’s grace. That even after we submit our lives... Read more

March 31, 2015

The more I study the life and teachings of Jesus, the more perplexed I become. Time and time again, it seems that those who claim to follow Jesus have adopted positions that are in direct contradiction to the words that our Lord preached during his ministry here on earth. One such issue is the death penalty, which is making headlines today as nearly 400 leading evangelical and catholic clergy released a statement calling for it’s end. Their statement begins by saying: “As... Read more

March 30, 2015

The national debate surrounding Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act is enough to disorient even the most experienced political analyst. There is a constant back and forth between opponents and proponents of the bill claiming that the RFRA in Indiana will/will not open the door for anyone to discriminate against LGBTQ people on the basis of their “religious convictions”. If you were to read the actual bill that was passed in Indiana, you’d probably walk away with even more confusion. But when it... Read more

March 26, 2015

There has been a firestorm in the media over the past 24 hours as Indiana’s House of Representatives passed a bill that exempts individuals and businesses from having to comply with the discrimination rulings based on their religious convocations. At the same time in Georgia, another RFRA (Religious Freedom Restoration Act) has been approved by the House judiciary subcommittee and is rapidly moving towards becoming law. Advocates are promoting both bills as necessary legislation to bolster religious freedom and protect... Read more

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