April 6, 2016

Contrary to what you may have thought when you read the title of this blog post, this is not a post about me having a romantic relationship or falling in “that kind” of love. This is not a post about dating or getting engaged or planning to get married. This is a post about when I was so deeply, kindly, gently loved by an entire group of people over the past month that I not only smiled, hugged and handshaked…..but I... Read more

March 30, 2016

Well, today’s the day.  I had my taxes done last week, and today’s the day that thousands of dollars get withdrawn from my account because, even though I live near the poverty level, I owe thousands of dollars because of a killer self-employment tax. When I came home from my accountant’s office last week, I sat down on the floor and held my head in my hands.  Never have I worked so hard and had so little to show for... Read more

March 29, 2016

It’s a few days after the resurrection and, as Jesus is walking down the road to Emmaus, he catches up with two men who are walking together, discussing the recent events in Jerusalem, asking questions about the Messiah. Jesus walks with them, enters into their conversation, and answers their questions.  They invite him to dinner.  And when he stands and blesses the bread and then breaks it — they recognize him.  And then he disappears. They recognize Jesus not because... Read more

March 26, 2016

Every Easter weekend, people repeat that saying, “It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming,” as if to say that your dreams or desires or hopes are dead, but just hold still in the nothingness of Friday night and all day Saturday, and then at dawn on Sunday everything wakes up and you’re suddenly alive again. I don’t know about you — but I have experienced very few “resurrection” moments like that in my life.  Most things in my life improve by subtle,... Read more

March 25, 2016

Last night I went to a Maundy Thursday service.  It’s only the second one I’ve been to in my lifetime (the churches I grew up with and have attended since then have only celebrated Good Friday service.) There was a small orchestra and a choir and candles, celebrating and also grieving the last night of Jesus’ life before his crucifixion.   We reflected on the night Jesus spent in the Garden of Gethsemane, wrestling with the Father until he sweat... Read more

March 22, 2016

As I write this morning, I’m wearing a pair of white ankle socks that are slightly too big for me.  On the top of the right sock, there’s a rust-colored stain the size of a quarter. They’re not my socks, but I’ve worn them non-stop for the past two days. I’m currently living in Arkansas as the author in residence for the month.  The church I’m working with owns a small apartment building across the street, so that’s where I’m... Read more

March 17, 2016

So far, March hasn’t been the best month of my life.  I am behind on writing my next book — and it’s not for lack of trying.  The story just needs to steep longer and my subconscious needs time to unravel the knots in the narrative.  So anyway, the pub date got pushed back to Fall 2017. While my agent and publisher have been incredibly gracious, encouraging and supportive, it’s the first time in my academic or writing career where... Read more

March 16, 2016

Friends! I have been invited to go to an orphanage in Kenya from April 24 – May 18th, 2016 to start a medical clinic for them.  The orphanage is for children who lost their parents to AIDS, and many of the children are HIV+  as well. The orphanage is located on Rusinga Island, a remote place in western Kenya located on Lake Victoria. I’m going to be setting up a small clinic for them at the orphanage so staff can provide basic... Read more

March 11, 2016

In January I was traveling in Mississippi for an event when I realized I was almost out of travel-sized toiletries.  So I stopped at Walgreens to stock up again. As I was checking out, the cashier told me that I had enough Walgreens Rewards Points to get a few dollars off of my purchase. “Do you want to use them?”  she asked. I shrugged.  “Sure, why not.” “Okay,” she said.  “All you have to do is enter the zip code... Read more

March 10, 2016

Hi, friends!  Today I began a month-long stay in Fort Smith, Arkansas, where I’ll be the author-in-residence.  I’ll be leading some groups, speaking, teaching some classes and (hopefully) working on the manuscript of my next book. Here’s my schedule for those of you who live in the area.  I’d love to meet you in person if you’re able to come! Everything’s at First Presbyterian Church of Fort Smith, AR (116 N. 12th St) except the book group. – Sunday, 3/13 at 9 a.m.... Read more

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