My Happy Place

My Happy Place July 17, 2014

Everyone has their own happy place.

You know the place I’m talking about—the place that puts a smile on your face, the place that makes you feel at peace with the world, the place that you retreat to when you’ve had a crappy week. Today I want to tell you about my happy place.

Since accepting my role as The Bachelor, I have felt like a traveling salesman. Catherine and I practically live out of a suitcase because we are flying on a weekly basis. I had stretch last month where I covered eight cities and four countries in nine days. It can really be taxing after a while. Don’t get me wrong, I feel so blessed to be able to travel the world, experience new things and meet wonderful people, but sometimes I just really miss my happy place.

Catherine and I share an intense love for great movies and TV. Since being engaged, we’ve watched all the great TV series together like Breaking Bad, Homeland, Mad Men, Game of Thrones as well as countless movies on Netflix. There’s nothing better than doing something I love with the person I love the most. So when we bought our house a few months ago, I knew I wanted to make the most of what makes us both so happy. I wanted to create the ultimate couch that would allow me and my 6’3’’ frame to sprawl out comfortably next to my wife. Lucky for me, I’ve got a couple of good friends in the furniture business and I was able to create this beautiful beast of a couch, which we’ve appropriately named “The Pit”. The Pit is approximately 8’x10’ of heavenly comfort.

With my wife by my side and our dogs at our feet, this is my happy place.

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