Do American Christians Have the Courage of the Kenya 147?

Do American Christians Have the Courage of the Kenya 147? April 13, 2015

In December, the school had shut down because of threats from al-Shabab. At least one student had transferred to a different college after hearing threats against the school. Others didn’t take the warnings seriously.

This is the same group that took all those hostages in the Nairobi mall in September 2013, killing 67 people that time. They asked the same questions then, identifying who was a Christian and letting the Muslims go.

I know we’ve heard this kind of story many times before. Sadly, there are so many atrocities happening in our world that we can almost get used to it. But think about it for a second. What kind of enemy targets college students? Imagine the sheer terror these students felt being woken up by gunshots in the next hallway. Imagine the courage that 147 had to say “Yes, I am a Christian.”

They paid the ultimate price for their faith, and they will be rewarded. May we have the same courage when we face the inconvenience of getting funny looks for talking about Jesus or being mocked for our faith.

And let’s pray for comfort for the families of these students, peace for those who survived, and an end to all this violence around our world.

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