“The Virgin Bachelor” – why I’m okay with having the unsexiest nickname of all-time

“The Virgin Bachelor” – why I’m okay with having the unsexiest nickname of all-time October 24, 2016

Last week I posted a picture of myself on an I am Second billboard to Instagram. Kaitlyn Bristowe took the picture and sent it to Catherine- apparently its somewhere near the YMCA in Nashville. Anyway, the billboard features a quote from me which reads, “They labeled me as the Virgin Bachelor.” I made a joke in my IG caption that said, “The Virgin Bachelor will go down as the unsexiest nickname of all-time.” Got some good laughs on IG, got a lot of people praising me for that decision, and I also got some people who wanted to know more.

So today’s post is for those who wonder why on Earth we would make such a drastic and abnormal decision like that. I want to tell you briefly why we made the decision not to have sex until our wedding night.

Let me start from the beginning. God not only exists but he knows you so much better than any friend, sibling or parent could possibly know you. He knows your innermost thoughts, fears, dreams, aspirations, insecurities, struggles, pains, etc. God tells us that he knew us in our mother’s womb (Jeremiah 1:5) and he knows us so well, he even knows the number of hairs on our heads (Luke 12:7). And not only does God, the creator of the entire universe, know us, he also loves us and wants the best for us. Here’s the deal- God is perfect. We are obviously not perfect (I screw up daily). God loved us so much, he sent his son Jesus to die for us as an ultimate sacrifice (John 3:16). In other words, Jesus acted as a bridge to allow us to be with our perfect God.

So with that said, God has written us this love letter of sorts (The Bible) and he tells us to seek Him and his desires for us because he knows it will lead to a better, more fulfilling life. God knows that the desires of the heart don’t always point us in the right direction. The “go with it if it feels right” attitude can often times lead to trouble and heartbreak (John 10:10). I

How does this pertain to sex?

Well, Catherine and I wanted to do sex God’s way. We both wanted to live in His blessing and chase after His heart instead of doing life our way. The decision to wait until marriage was just an act of obedience. We try to be obedient in other ways too (like tithing, serving, witnessing, etc.) because we know His way is better. We know he wants the best for us because he loves us with an indescribable kind of love. We might not always understand it in the moment, but trusting God will always lead to true fulfillment and joy.

Click continue to see my “I Am Second” Video.

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