Why I’m stopping pizza on April 1st… anyone else want to join me?

Why I’m stopping pizza on April 1st… anyone else want to join me? March 30, 2016

A photo posted by Sean Lowe (@seanloweksu) on

It’s almost April, which means May is just around the corner, which means summer is practically knocking at our door. This is the time of year when I force myself to put the pizza down and get back to work in the gym.

I absolutely love food. To be more precise, I love food that is terrible for me. Unfortunately this deliciously terrible food doesn’t exactly go hand in hand with looking good on the beach, so this April I’m going cold turkey on all the bad stuff- pizza, cookies, cakes, thai food, etc. I’m going to get back to the basics of eating lean proteins, green veggies, complex carbs and monounsaturated fats. Throughout the month, I’ll be tracking my diet along with my weight and workout programs if you want to follow along. If you take the proper approach with food and cardio, it’s amazing how fast you can melt the fat away.

By the way, I should admit I had four slices of pizza before writing this post. It’s not April yet!

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