3 Simple Ways Conservative Christians can be More Like Jesus

3 Simple Ways Conservative Christians can be More Like Jesus July 9, 2019


It’s a crazy time in the world but after simply reading the red letters of Jesus, I have put together a short list of things Conservative Christians can do to be just a little more like the guy they call savior.


  1. Stop pretending a sleazy, sexual predator was chosen by God to lead this nation in some twisted, divine-right sort of way.

The guy who made money screwing over thousands of people and bragged openly about sexually assaulting women without apology, is not the savior of this nation. This may be hard for some of you to accept, but I don’t really care.

The reality is Trump is more like an anti-Christ than the guy we call Jesus. Not in a rapture – people getting sucked up to heaven sort of way – but in that Trump is definitely not the same type of human Jesus was.

When we look at something like The Beatitudes -you know blessed are the peacemakers, the merciful, the pure in heart, etc. -Trump is basically the exact opposite of the ways of Jesus.

Maybe try being honest with yourself.

Instead of continuing to blindly worship a racist bigot, try during you daily, morning, bible-journaling-prayer time, to reflect on who in the red letters Trump actually looks like (I think Jesus called them broods of vipers, to be exact) and then go from there.


  1. Stop supporting locking children in cages.

You would think that this shouldn’t even need to be said, but it’s 2019 and apparently that means we have forgotten that concentration camps are bad and seeking asylum is completely legal.

The basics of the ways of Jesus really just boil down to three words. Love your neighbor. And no, this is not just how I am interpreting the text. Jesus straight up said that loving your neighbor was the most important command there was in the entire known universe.

We’ve got desperate families trying to escape horrors like their children being murdered or forced into sex trafficking and you want to build a literal wall to prevent them – your neighbor – from seeking safety?

I’m just not seeing Jesus here.

Jesus said that what you do to the least of these you are doing to him.

Would you lock baby Jesus in a cage?

Well, right now you basically are and the thing is I don’t know how I can convince you that locking kids in cages and standing by while beautiful children die in our custody because we stole them from their parents, is NOT the way of Jesus.

Instead of contributing to a racist GoFundMe wall to keep children from basic safety, try speaking out against the start of this genocide that is unfolding in front of our eyes. Just practice some basic empathy skills.

  1. Stop obsessing over who people are having legal, consensual sex with.

Y’all it’s weird that you care so much about who people are having loving and consensual sex with. It literally has zero impact on you or your life and you need to seriously chill the hell out and get over yourself.

Maybe use that energy to fight something that is actually bad, like sex trafficking and frat boys who brag about raping girls.

There is nothing in Jesus’ life that would say that he would be anything other than loving and affirming toward the LGBTQ+ community.

There is however a clear basis that Jesus wouldn’t be cool with rape culture. He called out men for even sexually objectifying women in their minds so I am pretty sure he wouldn’t be cool with locker room talk behavior.

Instead of being outraged by people being who God made them to be, use that outrage for when you find out your president is a pedophile.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. I mean we didn’t even talk about the vibrant racism, WWII-style nationalism, and the gross obsession with money. But it’s a start.

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