Deeply Disturbed

Deeply Disturbed March 2, 2010

A friend of mine owns a company, and his employees get a little on edge when they see him coming their way.

It’s not that they don’t like him – he just has this tendency of asking a lot of questions – and his questions usually make people a little uncomfortable.

He’s never satisfied. Suppose you are feeling pretty good because the customer satisfaction reports have ticked up another notch. He’ll come up with some brilliant idea that the customer hadn’t even asked for yet, and ask why they aren’t even higher. Or, when the sales team gets all excited about a new lead for business, he’ll jump ten steps ahead of them and point out all of the issues that still must be resolved in order to win the deal. Get cracking on it.

The minute anyone – anyone! – starts to relax and feel a little comfortable with the way things are, he’ll quickly remind them of how far they have yet to go.

We’ve got to learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable,” is what he keeps telling his people over and over again. “If anyone thinks they can work here and keep the status quo, then they are at the wrong company, and are probably in the wrong life.”

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