Princeton Leadership and Spirituality Event – The Results Are In!

Princeton Leadership and Spirituality Event – The Results Are In! May 4, 2010


It’s been a few weeks since the Princeton Leadership and Spirituality event occurred, and by now I am sure many of you are not only wondering how it went, but also if there was ever a real event to begin with.

Yes, it was real enough, and I have pictures to prove it. In fact, the PLS event was a smashing success!

Over forty participants from all walks of leadership life gathered together for this event on April 11 and 12 at Princeton Seminary’s Erdman Center. There were CEO’s, non-profit leaders, pastors, executives, and a business student. I made many new friends and even snagged a prayer partner along the way.

I also was thrilled to meet some of my blogging friends at the event, like the honorable Charles H. Green of the Trusted Matters blog, Mike St. Pierre of The Daily Saint blog (who is also now my new prayer partner), and Amber Aureden of Avodah Student Fellowship at Temple University. (Wut up, fellow bloggaz!)

It was a wonderful event, full of stimulating discussion, as our leader Dr. Stephen Payne of A New Equilibrium walked us through a brisk series that helped each of us develop our Greater Leadership Purpose for work.

As you can see from the picture of the white board above, my now-famous Leadership & Spirituality profile matrix also got a heavy workout at the seminar. We used this as the basis for discussing our spiritual leadership journeys, on the way to defining our purpose.

As an extra bonus, we heard from the CEO of Caliper Life Sciences, Kevin Hrusovsky, who gave us an inspiring description of how, based on his personal faith and spiritual connection, he leads his team as CEO of a public company towards a greater purpose.

I was honored once again to be the luncheon speaker, where the participants indulged me in sharing two readings: When Jesus Was a Consultant, and Forgetting to Remember God.  Like last year, the crowd was very polite, and even applauded for me when I was finished! That’s a good thing, right?

At the end of the session, each of us left with not only a clear Spiritual Purpose for our leadership at work, but also with a defined set of Intentions and Commitments to help us carry out our greater leadership purpose every day at our jobs.

But the best part? It was getting a prayer partner, which everyone had found by the end of the session. Michael and I pray together each week now, on Monday mornings. What a blessing, to have someone out there to share the spiritual challenges and joys of work. I have a feeling we’ll be at this for a long time.

If you too are looking for a prayer partner to help you grow in your leadership and spirituality at work, perhaps you should come to the next event. Don’t worry, I’ll let you know when it’s coming.

Pictures, thanks to me and my magic i-phone.

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