Your Mid-Year Review

Your Mid-Year Review June 30, 2010

If you are anything like me (a strong, decisive, and handsome leader with a clear and ordered command of your environment), then you probably developed some kind of a game plan way back in December 2009 for setting and achieving goals in 2010.

It’s just how we’re wired, right? We want to get things done, to see results, progress and promotions. So we tear out that clean sheet of paper, we pull up the blank screen, and we whip off the amazing objectives we aim to achieve in 2010.

But the same thing that holds true in business no doubt applies in our personal lives: there is a huge gap between strategy and execution.

It’s one thing to write down what you want to do or to become in the upcoming year, and quite another to see it through six months later.

So, how are you doing so far? We are, after all, smack dab in the middle of the year. The half-way point. A good time to check in on your progress.

I went back and dug through my files to find the sheet of paper where I had so thoughtfully written out my goals last December for 2010. It was impressive. But I hadn’t really looked at it since.

I had set a series of goals and strategies in five distinct categories representing distinct areas of my life. Here’s how the mid-year review shakes out:

1. Lead more effectively (Character/Leadership)

Check. I’ve grown and stretched quite a bit through my involvement with A New Equilibrium, an organization committed to developing the spiritually grounded leaders.

2. Add Substantial Value to the organizations I work with (Delivering Results)

Really, I am kicking major ass in this category. I’ve had some great opportunities at work to dig in and move things forward with some high-impact projects. Yes, I have had my moments, but overall making tremendous progress.

3. Be Open To Receive (Inner/Spiritual Life).

Okay, I definitely needed to be reminded of this. I know this whole idea of “receiving” seems spiritually vague and passive, but this was a big message for me when I wrote it down in December of 2009 – to stop pushing and striving and fighting so much. Just let God do his thing, and to practice more “being” and less “doing.” I could do a better job at the “being” thing. More time devoted to quiet contemplation is in order.

4. Exploit a Creative Outlet (Have Fun).

Yes, I have been having fun, although I actually had to plan for it. This category also includes my writing (creative outlet? Yes?), which I have been doing plenty of, and having fun with it. More, actually than I ever imagined I would be doing. I am even signed up for my very first writing conference this September.

5. Nurture Deep Roots With Family (Intimate Relationships).

I think for the most part I am on track here. I’ve been spending plenty of time together with my family, laughing, planning, dreaming, loving. And eating out. Lots of eating out. But the best thing to do would be to check in with my wife and kids, to see what they think.

Good. I’ll do that.

Now, how are you doing so far this year?

Photo by nAncY.

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