You’re Gonna Own It Like Oprah!

You’re Gonna Own It Like Oprah! July 2, 2010

I have always wanted to be known for creating some kind of unique landmark cultural innovation that would be remembered for generations to come. Finally, I believe that opportunity has presented itself.

Right before your very eyes, I am going to coin a brand new slang phrase right here on the STC Blog, so that it will be always and forever documented in history.

Beware that this awesome phrase is certain to spread like wildfire via the internet once I have published it (i.e. it will “go bacterial,” as they say), however you can be an early adapter and get a running start by immediately using it yourself. Just like those people who bought the first i-pads or the latest Scissors Sisters album, using this phrase will make you appear hip, urban, young and street-savvy.

The phrase is, to “Own it like Oprah.”

To Own It Like Oprah

An expression of confidence used to indicate one’s dominance in mastering a task, activity or group of people; a job done extremely well.

“Gee, Lucy, you really captivated the group in the meeting today with your presentation. Congratulations.”
“Yeah, baby, I owned it like Oprah! Now get out of my way, loser. The CEO wants to see me.”

“Brad! Look at my blog stats! I got over 25,000 hits for my latest post!”

“Dude. You owned it like Oprah.”

Now get out there and start talking like you know what you’re talking about. Own it like Oprah!

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