January 12, 2009

Last September I took a vacation with God. It wasn’t anything elaborate or expensive. I simply felt like we needed time alone together – just me and God without the many distractions of work, emails, cell phone calls, and the beloved family. Let’s call it a Godcation. And why not? First there was the Mancation, which gained popularity earlier in the decade, where  the guys would get away to blow off steam and escape the daily grind. Typically the Mancation involved outdoor adventures, or Harley... Read more

January 8, 2009

I have been invited to be a guest speaker at Princeton Theological Seminary for a program on March 22-24 entitled, “Leadership and Spirituality: Transforming the Workplace.” Can you believe it? Princeton! To think that Shrinking the Camel has risen to such prominent status among the Ivy Leagues! I can picture it now, the Ed McMahon introduction: “Live, from Princeton, New Jersey, let’s give a big Princeton Seminary welcome to…………..Bradley J. Moore!”  Well, yeah I know it won’t be anything like... Read more

January 3, 2009

The week before Christmas arrived I went shopping at Best Buy to get my wife an i-phone. This is the same electronics retailer that promoted the “You, Happier” advertising campaign during one of the most depressing economic downturns in history. Sam Van Eman of New Breed of Advertisers Blog had written a thought-provoking post on the Best Buy ad campaign several weeks ago (Me, Happier), questioning the presumption that electronics and other material goods really can make us happy. Or... Read more

December 31, 2008

Red Letter Believers Blog has called other Bloggers to a group writing project, asking us to write a post about how God has blessed us this past year. This was a good challenge, and it compelled me to pause and take stock of what has passed, to reflect briefly on what 2008 has meant to me.  I’ll warn you – this post is self indulgent and confessional. It is probably very boring to everyone but me. But, what the hay.... Read more

December 29, 2008

I was driving back to Philly from my brother’s house in Kentucky last week after the Christmas holidays when I ran into some dense fog right around the Maryland-Pennsylvania border. We were coming into the home stretch after about eight hours of driving, and I turned on the radio to see if there were any accident reports. As I scanned the AM radio waves, I landed on a station that was playing a catchy advertisement. It caught my attention. The announcer’s... Read more

December 26, 2008

I know what you’re thinking: Spiritually Astute Christian combined with What’s Hot in 2009? These do NOT belong together. You might even suggest that it is impossible – heretical, almost – to mix foundational, unchanging spiritual truths with the fickle moodiness of fashion trends. Perhaps it’s crass, even. But I, for one, am not above it. IN:       Authenticity                     OUT:   Pretence I am not impressed. No one is any more. Just admit it, you are a vulnerable and insecure mess just like me. In... Read more

December 20, 2008

Continued from previous post So here is my year-end anti-self-promoting Generic Holiday Newsletter. It’s chock-full of disappointments, bad news, and frightening developments. I ended up sending this out to a few cynical friends like me, who I knew would appreciate it. But this letter never made it to the address of the culprits who started it all. Maybe next year I’ll be braver. ————————————————————————————————————————- December 20, 2008   Dear Friends and Family, It’s been a long time since we have... Read more

December 18, 2008

(Continued from previous post) Honestly, the generic Family Holiday Newsletter we received from this particular family looks more like a resume than anything having to do with Christmas or holidays or good cheer. It’s about the yacht club, sailboat racing, jewelry making, the soccer trophies, academic awards, and more career achievements and accolades. It is quite obnoxious. It’s not that I mind reading about the good fortune of my close friends and relatives. What bothers me is the subtle superiority and... Read more

December 16, 2008

Okay folks, this story has nothing to do with business, or spirituality, or faith or Christianity, or any of that. So if you came here today looking for spiritual edification, time to click back over to the Chuck Swindoll or the High Calling site. But, this post is about Christmas! So that might interest you, right? It’ s only a few days away! This is just pure creative writing fun – and maybe you can even relate to it! From me, to you,... Read more

December 14, 2008

Last week I took a train into New York City to attend a “Deal Making Conference.” I know, Ha Ha. Deal-making in the middle of a global depression, right? Trust me, there weren’t many deals getting done. All the same, thousands of men and women in their finest hand tailored suits eagerly descended upon an upper Manhattan hotel for two days, swarming in groups and in clusters, like bees pollinating a field of wild poppies. When it was all over, I... Read more

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