December 12, 2008

Continued from the previous post. So there it is. The crammed family schedule was not the culprit here. I forgot about God – no, I avoided God – because I was panicky and needed to be in control of the mess I was in at work. Isn’t that ridiculous? But isn’t that so human, too? My nightmare scenario is so inferior to the alternative of having an omniscient loving God to trust. Especially when you take into account that this God... Read more

December 9, 2008

(Continued from previous post) This was not a small deal I was working on, mind you. No, it was a $30 million deal with a very attractive return. Thirty mil may seem like peanuts to some of you hot shot corporate muckety-mucks, but for me this was significant. I had poured my heart and soul into this project over the past couple of years, shepherding and coddling and feeding it delicious appetizers, and basically navigating it to the point where... Read more

December 4, 2008

Continued from the previous post. But then again, maybe there’s more to it than just plain spiritual laziness. Maybe forgetting about God is really just a man-thing. And I don’t mean “man” as in “all of humanity” mankind. I’m talking specifically about the male species. You know, like the way we men forget so quickly those little things that our wives ask of us all the time? Those very things that are so critically important to them, but don’t quite register... Read more

November 30, 2008

I completely forgot about God for two entire weeks. I know, that sounds terribly unspiritual of me. After all, couldn’t I have at least garnered a passing nod to the one who created me, to the savior of my soul? Well, it wasn’t like I was purposefully ignoring God. Why would I do that? No, this was more like being gradually swept into a massive rip tide of the many tangible distractions going on in my life. As a result,... Read more

November 23, 2008

Have you ever been in a meeting, minding your own business, thinking about what restaurant you might want to go for dinner tonight, when suddenly you realize all eyes have turned to you, looking for an opinion? Except that you have no idea what they were just talking about? It’s not that you weren’t paying attention. No, you really were trying to follow the conversation. It’s just that perhaps you are new to the project or to this particular market... Read more

November 11, 2008

Continued from previous post. So here’s what that cynical voice in my head is saying about the “Do not worry” passage in Luke 12:23-33: Sure, it’s easy for Jesus to tell these people not to worry. He didn’t have the financial responsibilities of a family to worry about! Neither did Peter, or Paul, for that matter. None of them schlocks had wives or kids to take care of! (Apparently bible scholars still debate if Peter or Paul were married, but the fact... Read more

November 9, 2008

These are worrisome times we are living in. There is an unprecedented global financial crisis, economic recession, threats of terrorism, a never-ending war, more and more layoffs, an enormous government deficit, and crappy projections for Holiday spending. It’s just bad news all the way around. Add this pile of stink to the routine madness that you and I deal with daily, as a matter of course. Like trying to raise decent kids, and maintain a good marriage, and paying all... Read more

October 21, 2008

A few weeks ago I came across a Blogger who was whining like a little girl about the hostilities of the “secular” world towards Christians. He proceeded to rail against the bogeyman of secular culture, especially corporate America, for apparently making him so miserable and uncomfortable with its lack of ethics, values and moral backbone. My reaction was: “Here’s a lollipop to suck on. Now, go back to your church pew and take a nap.” I didn’t publicly comment with those words,... Read more

October 18, 2008

Continued from previous post. So. I’m about five minutes into my morning meditation, not very long at all, and I’m focusing on the word “Surrender.” And probably to be honest with you, in the back of my mind at some subterranean subconscious level I was still asking God “What is the deal with surrendering? What does that even mean? What do you want from me? How is this supposed to work? ” Etc. etc. etc. And then, very quietly, out of nowhere, this... Read more

October 14, 2008

Continued from previous post. The word I chose to meditate on yesterday was “Surrender.” This word had been on my mind lately, because I had been seeing it every day on my desk at work. A few days ago a friend had given me a little laminated 3×5 prayer card that was now propped up on my computer, and it starts by saying “God: I surrender my will and my life to you.” Every day I read the prayer and think to... Read more

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