Review of The Third Inkling, a biography of Charles Williams (a very Sick Pilgrim indeed)

Review of The Third Inkling, a biography of Charles Williams (a very Sick Pilgrim indeed) February 18, 2016

The Weird One
The Weird One

Two weeks ago, my review of The Third Inkling, a biography of Charles Williams, was published in the online edition of Notre Dame Magazine. For those of you who don’t know, Charles Williams was a member of the legendary writers group known as the Inklings whose members included C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. I’ve written about Charles and his importance to me on Sick Pilgrim, but I wanted to share an excerpt of the review:


Williams was a complex, strange and sometimes disturbing person. While Tolkien lived the life of a near saint, and Lewis seemingly beat his demons upon his conversion to Christianity, Williams struggled with his dark side his entire life. 


Sound like a Sick Pilgrim? He sure was. Read the rest of my review over at Notre Dame Magazine

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