Best. Soap. Ever.

Best. Soap. Ever. October 22, 2014

Can I be a terrible, horrible person and remind you that it’s almost Halloween, which means it’s almost Thanksgiving, which means it’s almost Advent, which means you will soon be looking at the calendar in disbelief and realizing that you need small but thoughtful presents for any number of people, and you have no idea what to get them?

Be not afraid! (See what I did there, JPII?) Robin’s Soap is here.




You may remember Robin’s Soap Shoppe from my brief brush with glory, when I sang the definitive boozy mom version of “Let It Go” in retaliation gratitude for the wonderful fundraising you guys did, to help Robin’s business get off the ground.

You can read some background on Robin here. Synopsis: super hard-working single mom, proud Army vet, trying like hell to support herself despite having no car, an unstable living situation, and debilitating arthritis and chronic anxiety.

Lucky for you, she also makes magnificent soap.


A layered soap made with lavender buds, rose clay, kelp, coffee grounds, calendula, great for stubbornly dirty hands, scented with rosehips and jasmine. 100% naturally colored.
A layered soap made with lavender buds, rose clay, kelp, coffee grounds, calendula, great for stubbornly dirty hands, scented with rosehips and jasmine. 100% naturally colored.


So if you want to help her and her sweet family out, it will be the lushest act of charity you’ve ever considered. And if you have no interest in supporting a nice lady and just want some wonderful soap, you’re still covered!

I’ve tried several varieties of Robin’s soap, and it is truly exceptional: dense, creamy, and fragrant, beautiful to look at, generously sized and heavy in the hand. They are easy on your skin, and they last like crazy.

You guys. This soap makes my kids want to bathe.


Frankincense and Myrrh Soap
Frankincense and Myrrh Soap


Robin has sensitive skin and so is very, very choosy about which ingredients she uses in her soap (each product has all the ingredients listed). My husband (WHO IS NOT A FANCY SOAP KIND OF GUY. AT ALL.) said that it’s the only soap that really relieved his dry skin. Many are made with goatmilk, which produces the loveliest, gentlest suds you could want.


Simply Goatmilk
Simply Goatmilk


Robin’s stock is constantly changing, so it’s a great idea to check back often and see what lovely concoctions she’s invented.

There are 18 handmade soaps available right now, including:

  • Pumpkin Lager Beer Soap
  • Oktoberfest Bier Soap
  • Cherry Almond
  • Baby Yourself with Lavender (owl or kitty shapes)
  • Baby Yourself with Lavender (flower shapes — and wouldn’t these pretties make gorgeous favors for weddings or showers??)


these have a "just-picked-from-the-garden" lavender scent
these have a “just-picked-from-the-garden” lavender scent
  • Frankinsense and Myrrh Soap
  • Baby Yourself with Lavender (Madonna and Child soap — oooh, CHRISTMAS PRESENT!)

robin soap madonna and child

  • Pink Grapefruit Soap
  • Simply Goatmilk Soap
  • Sexy Man Lightly Scented Soap

Soaps listed now range in price from $3 to $7.

Please note, handmade soap takes weeks to cure, and for a start-up business with a razor-thin margin, it is vital for Robin to get orders as soon as possible, so she can continue to buy supplies, so she can continue to make soap! So please, if you’ve been meaning to check out her product, don’t put it off! The only downside to this plan is that, if you buy Christmas presents now, you will have to exert herculian self-control to avoid using this soap yourself.

Also, please note that I now have an ad for Robin’s Soap Shoppe on my right sidebar. The ad was generously designed and produced as a gift from Jen Raiche of Sidekicks Marketing. Thanks, Jen! If you have a blog or website, please consider donating some ad space to Robin! Contact me at simchafisher [at] gmail [dot] com and I will get you set up. Thanks for considering it!

And please, even if you can’t buy some soap right now, share this post, or a link to Robin’s shop, wherever you can on social media and among friends. Robin’s got nothing but good reviews, and I never promote products that I don’t genuinely like.


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