Satan, Hitler, Antichrist

Satan, Hitler, Antichrist November 21, 2011

Some of us use the game “rock, paper, scissors” to decide who has to wash the dishes or pay the bar tab. Some use the game “Satan, Hitler, Antichrist” to decide that Others are intrinsically evil and thus We must be intrinsically righteous.

I like “rock, paper, scissors,” in part, because playing it is not a sin and because playing it does not turn you into an insufferable, delusional jackwagon incapable of self-knowledge.

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Rick Joyner, Morningstar Ministries:

Even if the accusers all prove to be liars and deceivers, this does not prove that something did not happen. Doubts have been raised about Herman Cain’s character that will taint him with many for the rest of his life. …

My point is that you can be the most pure, perfectly righteous person to ever walk the earth, be falsely accused of heinous behavior, and many, if not most, people will believe it. The “father of lies” is called “the accuser of the brethren” for a reason. For thousands of years, he has been doing much of his evil with accusations. He has destroyed the reputations, and sometimes the lives, of many very good people, and some of the world’s best people.

Rep. Randy Neugebauer, R-Texas:

Baby killer!

Bill Keller, “evangelist”:

“During President Obama’s nearly three years in office, he has proven by his words and deeds to be a true enemy of God,” Keller said in a statement released on Monday. “He has been the most pro-death president in history through his support of the killing of innocent babies, he has been a staunch ally of the radical homosexual agenda, and a true friend to the enemies of Israel.

“While Mitt Romney has been willing to change his core beliefs on critical spiritual issues like abortion and gay marriage, he has never denounced his beliefs of the satanic Mormon cult!” added Keller.

Michael Bresciani, Renew America:

There is little doubt that the entire gay and lesbian community is guided by a powerful demon spirit who is subordinate to Satan.

Joanne Highley, LIFE NYC:

We definitely cleanse and bind demonic powers out of females’ uterus cavities, out of genitals and, of course, out of anal canals and out of intestines, out of throats and mouths if there’s been ungodly deposit of semen in those areas. …

As you renounce the homosexual sin that you are practising as evil, the other person can command the demons to leave you so that you can choose a godly response to temptation.


Ray Comfort, creator of abortion-is-the-Holocaust film “180”:

Germany lawfully slaughtered six million Jews. America has lawfully slaughtered nearly ten times that amount.


Michael Bresciani, Renew America

If we use the Bible alone to answer the question it will show that the rise in gay activism is not only a new low for the nation but it is part and parcel to last day’s prophecy. It is only a small part of a pervasive deepening of immorality that the Bible says must precede the rise of the antichrist and the final judgments of God against a rebellious and totally reprobate generation.

Gordon Klingenschmitt, former military chaplain

A Catholic chapel, a Protestant chapel, must be opened up or the chaplain who refuses to do that will be punished for disobeying disorders, or discriminating against homosexual weddings. Of course, the chaplain may have the option to not preside at the wedding ceremony itself but he does not have the option to keep his sacred space, and keep the chapel, from being desecrated.

White House shooter Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez


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