Scenes from a class war

Scenes from a class war December 21, 2012

“They just don’t get that I’d rather they pay me a better wage so I wouldn’t have to go to a food bank.”

Republicans have run out of persuadable white voters.”

“The free market might be a great idea when it comes to setting the wages and salaries of working folks, but using it to set the fees for dock rental in one of the richest communities in America? That’s outrageous.”

“We want to do everything we can to help our side. Sometimes we think that’s voter ID, sometimes we think that’s longer lines — whatever it may be.”

“Thus have the most egregious crimes of the last decade been fully shielded from prosecution when committed by those with the greatest political and economic power: the construction of a worldwide torture regime, spying on Americans’ communications without the warrants required by criminal law by government agencies and the telecom industry, an aggressive war launched on false pretenses, and massive, systemic financial fraud in the banking and credit industry that triggered the 2008 financial crisis.”

“I strongly believe that the creation of long-term, clandestine ‘black sites’ and the use of so-called ‘enhanced-interrogation techniques’ were terrible mistakes.”

This is a stunning level of silence from a church that for centuries has been at the forefront of worker and economic justice”

“In the argument over right-to-work laws, the first thing to get straight is that these laws have nothing to do with the right to work.”

“If right-to-work laws are indeed, as supporters claim, a ‘liberty’ issue for workers who are otherwise slaves to ‘union bosses,’ then why are Gov. Rick Snyder and Michigan GOP legislators denying these ‘rights’ to the most esteemed workers under their purview, police officers and firefighters?”

Right-to-work laws go against everything we believe.”

Global solidarity among workers is the only way to meet the challenge of today’s global economy and the neo-liberal principles that govern it, a philosophy that promotes transnational business deals at the cost of a relentless search for cheaper labor and fewer governmental restrictions.”

“It’s a good reminder of the trade-offs that we have already made in the name of deficit reduction, which have received little attention amid the hand-wringing over the fiscal cliff.”

“If your company staked a claim in 1873, and had been mining gold from it continuously, the total cost to your company would have been $19,509.”

“One of the reasons Social Security is necessary is that most workers never see their pensions because their companies go under before there is ever a pay-out; but executives always seem to walk away with a pile of money anyway.”

“And it’s not just seniors who would be harmed by raising the Medicare eligibility age: Studies show that the proposal would actually increase systemwide health care spending and shift those additional costs onto state governments and onto employers and their employees.”

“A principle reduction program would provide much needed help to a significant number of troubled homeowners, help repair the nation’s housing market, and result in a net benefit to taxpayers.”

“In a nutshell, almost everything ordinary Americans think they know about the Bill of Rights, including the phrase ‘Bill of Rights,’ comes from the Reconstruction period.”

Turning the crank on the side releases one penny every 4.97 seconds, for a total of $7.25 per hour.” (via Dave Ex Machina)

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