4 years ago: The Long March of the Koalas

4 years ago: The Long March of the Koalas August 25, 2013

August 25, 2009, on this blog: The Long March of the Koalas

It has been brought to my attention that Ken Ham, the man behind the Creation Museum and Answers in Genesis, is originally from Australia and not the United States. So when I wrote last week of America as “the land of P.T. Barnum and Ken Ham” the general point about hucksterism here in the U.S. was correct, but technically …

Wait, hold on … Australia?

You can’t be a young-earth creationist and be from Australia. I think if you’re a young-earth creationist, you’re not even allowed to believe in Australia. That continent is evolution’s playground, it’s showroom. Ken Ham couldn’t have built his Creation Museum in Australia because they already have a thriving Evolution Museum there — it takes up the entire island. The displays are fantastic.

Are we sure that Ham isn’t from Austria? I mean, the biology and geology of Austria aren’t particularly compatible with young-earth creationism either, but it’s not like Australia with its crazy-quilt of unique and uniquely adapted species. I just can’t think of a crazier place for a creationist to have come from.

Well, OK, maybe Madagascar. But still. …

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