Tony Campolo: The birthday party story

Tony Campolo: The birthday party story March 12, 2014

I see via Red Letter Christians that someone has posted a YouTube video of Tony Campolo telling this story.

Parts of this story, and of the telling, are problematic, and we should also discuss that and deal with it as well. But much of it is also really quite lovely.

And, yes, I do want to belong to a church like that:

As Anne Vyn notes, this is a story about cake, and a lot of Christians right now seem to be riled up over their right to deny cake to people they don’t approve of. But as Tony says, the Jesus these folks claim to follow never did that.

“Rejoice with those who rejoice” isn’t a suggestion, it’s a commandment. It’s also a corollary to Rule No. 1. Denying cake violates that commandment and that rule.


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