Everybody got this broken feeling

Everybody got this broken feeling June 15, 2023

Yesterday we said goodbye to our beloved dog, Willow, who was part of our family and household for almost 15 years.

The first of several trips to the veterinarian was just a few weeks ago when she started chewing gingerly on one side and we noticed a tiny bit of swelling. The vet thought, or hoped, that it might be a bad tooth, so Willow got an antibiotic shot and some puppy pain meds to reduce the swelling. That didn’t work. It wasn’t a tooth. And the swelling increased, dramatically, from what X-rays found was a rapid, aggressive, and painful tumor.

It was all very sudden, but also very slow and heartbreaking because she couldn’t understand why it hurt and we couldn’t explain or make it better.

I was going to write more here about what a very good dog she was and about why I spent the last week telling her that as much as I could and thus haven’t posted anything at all here in a very long time, but I’m still a bit too wrecked to do that so instead I’m just posting these pictures.

Semi-normal blogging will continue here shortly. We have a lot to talk about, from TFG’s indictments to the death of Pat Robertson to the latest SBC efforts to pretend they were the Good Guys in 1845. But not quite yet.

She was a very good dog.

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