January 30, 2012

My ebook The Virtue of Dialogue: Conversation as a Hopeful Practice of Church Communities was released last week by Patheos Press, and in it, I argue that open conversation is essential for the health and flourishing of church communities and the places they inhabit. Over the next two weeks, I will be running a 10-part series that I am calling “Becoming Conversational” in which I offer suggestions for how churches might enrich the conversational life of their church communities.  (Some... Read more

January 30, 2012

In February 1909, the Italian poet Filippo Tommaso Marinetti published his Futurist Manifesto in the French newspaper Le Figaro. The manifesto exalted the future over the past, violence and aggression over peace and ecstasy, immorality over morality, men over women, the young over the old, the machine over the land, and the known over the unknown. Marinetti also declared that “the splendor of the world has been enriched by a new beauty: the beauty of speed”: (more…) Read more

January 26, 2012

Chris has has a new little ebook that is now available from Patheos Press: The Virtue of Dialogue: Conversation as a Hopeful Practice of Church Communities. http://amzn.to/virtueofdialogue This ebook narrates Englewood Christian Church’s practice of conversation, how we — a failed megachurch — stumbled in the practice of conversation 15 years ago, and how it has transformed us and continues to transform us. A strong case is made that open, conversation is an essential and timely practice for all churches.... Read more

January 13, 2012

Thanks to everyone who added their thoughts to my post on Wednesday.  They have been immensely helpful in thinking about the drama of creation.  A particular thanks to Wes Vander Lugt, who pointed me to the following two books, which I have been devouring over the last couple of days, and finding very helpful.  I’m posting excerpts here, so that you might enjoy them as well… Improvisation: The Drama of Christian Ethics. Sam Wells. Brazos Press, 2004. *** CLICK HERE... Read more

January 11, 2012

I’m currently working on a chapter of the Slow Church book on the scriptural story and why we believe that slowness is woven into the very fabric of this story. So, I’ve been trying to find an image that is helpful in talking about the nature of the scriptural story and how God and humanity interact together.  Here’s the  basic image that I’ve stumbled upon.  (I know it’s not completely original, drawing on sources like Bartholomew/Goheen’s The Drama of Scripture... Read more

January 2, 2012

Sometimes when I’m reading a good book, I come to a particular sentence or phrase that seems to have around it an aura of origin-ality. I can’t help but wonder if this line might have sparked the creative fire that ended up as the book in my hands. I’m struggling this morning to come up with an example from my recent reading. But I can give a ridiculous example from my own writing life. (more…) Read more

December 31, 2011

The last great book I read in 2011 will be Walter Isaacson’s biography of Steve Jobs. This is the first of two planned posts about Steve Jobs, consisting mostly of random thoughts about the book. Part Two will come next week. 1. Steve Jobs is a valuable book, if we let it be. For all sorts of folks: business leaders, church leaders, lay people, writers and artists, consumers and producers, everyone. 2. Isaacson follows Jobs from his early childhood (he... Read more

December 24, 2011

Okay, so it’s becoming obvious to me that the last Advent reflection isn’t going to happen today.  We’re on vacation and too much other good stuff going on… The lectionary text for today is James 1 and has some important to say about Slow Church and the birth of Jesus, so I’ll probably write today’s reflection up next week… (How’s that for Slow?  😉 I will be posting highlights from the Advent series on to our Twitter and Facebook pages... Read more

December 23, 2011

Setting our Course Toward Bethlehem. Daily Advent Reflection. Kyle Mobley. Romans 13:11-14. Friday, December 23, 2011. It might not be The prettiest thing that you’ll ever see But it’s a new day, oh baby it’s a new day And it might not look like A beautiful sunrise But it’s a new day, oh baby, it’s a new day. — Robbie Seay Band, “New Day” Listen: [ YouTube ] These daily Slow Church Advent Reflections are based on the Daily Readings... Read more

December 22, 2011

The Gospel According to Zephaniah (and Tom Waits) Daily Advent Reflection. Debra Dean Murphy. Zephaniah 3:8-13. Thursday, December 22, 2011 “On that day you shall not be put to shame because of all the deeds by which you have           rebelled against me” – Zeph. 3:11 “There’s no eye for an eye, there’s no tooth for a tooth. I saw Judas Iscariot carrying John Wilkes Booth.” – Tom Waits, “Down There by the Train” Listen: [ Youtube ] [ Spotify... Read more

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