Slow Church is inspired by the language and philosophy of the Slow Food movement to rethink the ways in which we share life together in our church communities. Just as Slow Food offers a pointed critique of industrialized food cultures and agricultures, Slow Church can help us unmask and repent of our industrialized approaches to church. It can also spur our imaginations with a rich vision of the holistic, interconnected, and abundant life together to which God has called us in Christ Jesus.
Slow Church is a call for intentionality, an awareness of our mutual interdependence with all people and all creation, and an attentiveness to the world around us and the work God is doing in our very own neighborhoods. Our goal for the Slow Church book and blog is to help inaugurate what we hope is a broad and long and even slow conversation on these topics.
Articles related to Slow Church have already been featured in USA TODAY, Washington Post, Huffington Post, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Relevant Magazine, The Christian Century, and Sojourners.
Here is just a sample of what people are saying so far:
“Work, family, place, rest, food, and money are the possible venues, the authors write, where transformation might take place. The authors write clearly and persuasively; each section of the book offers a theoretical and scriptural basis for the ideas discussed and practical suggestions for their implementation.” – Publishers Weekly (starred review)
“One of the freshest alternatives to church-life-as-it-is-today. Buy this, but don’t read it fast. Read it slow.” – Scot McKnight
“This book tenderly calls common assumptions about the church and society into question, carefully synthesizing Christian theology with emerging ecological consciousness.” – Mark Scandrette
“Chris and John have done a fantastic job of envisioning a wholesomely sustainable, spiritually alluring, and thoroughly kingdom-centric church that is simply fulfilling its purpose of witnessing to Jesus in the rhythms of God’s grace. I just have to join in! An inspiring read.” – Alan Hirsch
“This wise, literate, and timely book is a much needed alternative to the one-size-fits-all, ‘bigger = better’ approach that often dominates the conversation about church life.” – Rachel Marie Stone
“This beautifully crafted book offers perceptive analyses, asks crucial questions, and provides gracious wisdom for finding ways to live more fully attentive to God and to our particular time and place. Slow Church, like a well-prepared meal, provides nourishment and delight and invites long and fruitful conversation.” – Christine D. Pohl
“Slow Church spurs a passionate imagination for God’s patient diligent working in the small everyday peculiarities of our lives together with Him. It’s a call to the simple goodness of life … made possible with God in community and neighborhood. Read it and be cured forever of programmed church.” – David Fitch
“In this ‘timely’ book Smith and Pattison lead us into the habits and practices that are essential if churches are to savor, mobilize, and celebrate the gifts of God’s goodness all around. Read it with friends and then be prepared to discover the grit and the grace that that make life together a foretaste of the kingdom of God. Slow Church is a beautifully conceived book that challenges us to live more deeply into community and in discipleship of Jesus Christ.” – Norman Wirzba
“This is not just another book about how to do better at whatever issue is most vexing at the moment – whether self-care in the context of ever-increasing pressure in the church to get it all done, or church ‘growth’, or the latest push for ‘missions’. Slow Church is a game-changer for all of those issues. It gives voice to a movement that is changing the way Christians practice the faith…” – Carol F. Johnston