Demons, Demons Everywhere: The Spiritual War or Just Another Tuesday?

Demons, Demons Everywhere: The Spiritual War or Just Another Tuesday? July 17, 2023


The Rise of the ‘Spiritual War’ in Right-Wing Media

Ah, the spiritual war. It’s the latest trend in right-wing media, where every perceived enemy is not just a political opponent but a literal demon. Yes, you heard it right. We’re not just dealing with differing opinions here; we’re talking about full-blown demonic entities. Apparently, the portals to hell have been flung wide open, and these demons are just pouring out like it’s Black Friday at Walmart. This is the Satanic Panic 2.0. Or is it 3.0, now?

The rhetoric is so thick you could cut it with a knife. It’s not just a war of words anymore; it’s a “spiritual war.” And who are these demonic entities, you ask? Well, according to these right-wing media figures like Roger Stone, Charlie Kirk, and Alex Jones, they’re LGBTQ people, progressive causes, and anyone else who doesn’t fit into their narrow worldview.

Now, I’m not one to judge, but when you start claiming that demons are using portals to enter Earth and wage war against humanity, I think it’s safe to say you’ve left the realm of rational discourse.

And it’s not just the portals. Some of these media figures, like Roger Stone, are even suggesting that the left is engaging in occult rituals. That’s right. Apparently, we’re all just sitting around satiating our blood lust while waiting for a new shipment of baby carcasses to arrive from Amazon.

The New Apostolic Reformation: The Source of the Rhetoric

The source of this “spiritual war” rhetoric seems to stem from a right-wing Christian movement known as the New Apostolic Reformation. They believe that America is specially anointed by God to project Christianity across the globe. And anyone who opposes their quest is, you guessed it, satanic.

But it’s not just metaphorical. They believe that the physical world is enveloped by a supernatural dimension, featuring warring angels and demons. And they’re convinced that these demons afflict their enemies on behalf of the devil or George Soros. When you start labeling your political opponents as literal demons, you’re not just crossing a line; you’re miles past it.

And the worst part is, this kind of rhetoric often leads to violence and brutality. When you dehumanize your opponents to the point where they’re no longer people but demonic entities, it becomes a lot easier to justify acts of violence against them.

But let’s not forget the pastors who are fanning these flames. Figures like Lance Wallnau or Hank Kunneman, both self-proclaimed prophets and leading figures of the New Apostolic Reformation, believe that America is specially anointed by God to project Christianity across the globe. And anyone who opposes their quest is, you guessed it, satanic.

These pastors are not just preaching to their congregations; they’re broadcasting their messages of fear and division to millions of people. And in doing so, they’re not just spreading their beliefs; they’re spreading a dangerous ideology that can lead to real-world violence.

The True Demon: Fear, Division, and Power

So, the next time you hear a pastor or pundit talking about the “spiritual war,” remember it’s really about fear, division, and a desperate attempt to hold onto power. And that is the real demon we should be fighting against.


About Stuart Delony
My hope with Snarky Faith is to incite change no matter how big or small. I want to cultivate conversations that help people to look for new ways to live out their faith. I'm also one of the weird ones that think that God still moves today - we're just looking in the wrong places. I'm here for those that are fed up with the way things are and want change. Whether you're tired of church culture or deconstructing your faith, you've got a safe space here. If you're questioning, seeking, or aren't even sure why you're here; just know it's cool, and I'm glad you showed up. It's always good to meet fellow travelers along the way, and I've learned that it's never by chance. You can read more about the author here.
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