July 17, 2016

The story of humanity’s evolving consciousness is made up of many chapters built upon pluralities and dualities, yet it started with and appears destined to return to a strong heritage of unity. It is evident now that a consciousness of oneness – being able to recognize the power and primacy of the whole, as well as the validity of its parts – is what characterizes our time. Not only is this a principle of the mystic life, of interest to... Read more

July 13, 2016

Wondering what spiritual film to watch next? Peruse this gallery of notable documentaries focusing on spiritual growth for the individual as well as the collective whole. Read more

July 13, 2016

A few months ago, I dreamed that I was on a ship in the middle of the Hudson River, alongside the island of Manhattan. It was nighttime, but the city wasn’t lit up and glittery like usual. New York was eerily dark, save for one giant spotlight at the 9/11 memorial, gleaming into the black sky. There was also one bright light from the ship, glaring onto the empty deck upon which I was standing. I turned around to find Donald... Read more

July 11, 2016

How do you know that you are moving with God? What is the speed of life with a full awareness of Spirit and doing what is right? Read more

July 9, 2016

It was exhausting doing what amounted to a tax audit on my own life. What did I have to show for all the work and play and hardships and triumphs of my 56 year old life? What was my “net,” and was it significant? Read more

July 7, 2016

The lamps are different But the Light is the same… Concentrate on essence, Concentrate on Light.   What is Rumi really saying here? He goes on: The light streams toward you from all things, All people, all possible permutations of good, Evil, thought, passion, But the Light is the same.  One matter, one energy, one Light, one Light-mind,  Endlessly emanating all things… Ground yourself, strip yourself down, To blind loving silence.  Stay there, until you see You are gazing at... Read more

July 1, 2016

According to Cornelia Suskind, “Everything (in our life) was falling into place, and at three years-old Owen vanished.” Up until this point, Owen Suskind was a typical vibrant and active child who loved to laugh, play and smile. He played with his older brother, Walter, and was a jovial addition to his family. One day, for no apparent reason that can be attributed to an accident, mishap or visible trauma, the Owen his family had come to know and love... Read more

June 30, 2016

There's been a storm of comments on social media about the merits of watching over your kids after two awful public incidences of injury and loss recently. Do you know why a toddler won't remember an order you give them? Here's some science to back up some of our instinctive and common sense behaviors. Read more

June 28, 2016

How do you talk with people who oppose gun control? How do you make a witness to your beliefs that is fruitful? Know your truths and remember the abolitionists --- the ones whose names we don't know. Say your truth as you see it as often as you feel called to speak it. You don't have to be a celebrity to make a difference. Read more

June 22, 2016

There is a decision I have been wrestling with for the past few years. I’ve made some attempts, but without results…guess my heart really hasn’t been in it. The other day I had a free morning to think about my impending decision. Instead, I went to the church where we had my son’s burial mass. We lost him in 1987 in a plane crash at Miramar Naval Air Station. Ever since then, thinking about Dave’s life has always been an... Read more

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