Yesterday there was yet another tragic mass shooting. At Umpqua Community College in Oregon, a shooter opened fire on several classes, killing 9 people and injuring many others.
And in response, President Obama gave a speech in which he blamed our 2nd Amendment right to bare arms for yesterday’s shooting and called for stricter gun laws.
Per usual, his speech was more about pushing his political agenda than really uncovering the heart of the problem. (Not to mention, that he referred to himself 28 times in the short 12 minute speech. )
Mr. President, this IS NOT the NRA’s fault! This IS NOT the 2nd Amendment’s fault. This is the fault of a seriously disturbed young man!
So instead of pointing political fingers, how about you talk about the heroes who did all they could to take down the shooter? Heroes like military veteran, Chris Mintz, who stood up to the shooter so that his classmates’ lives would be spared.
Will you join me in praying for the full recovery of Chris Mintz and the others who were injured in the shooting, and for the loved ones of those who lost their lives?
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