Hollywood actor thanks God ‘One Day Trump Is Gonna Die’ – Media yawns

Hollywood actor thanks God ‘One Day Trump Is Gonna Die’ – Media yawns August 12, 2016

Well, I’m sure you haven’t heard about this.

The internet went nuts when Donald Trump said the 2nd amendment advocates could take care of Hillary Clinton. He later clarified that he meant in the voting booth, but the media had already spun its narrative: Trump advocates for Clinton’s death.

But how many of you heard what Donald Glover — who starred in the sitcom Community — said during the Television Critics Association’s press tour?

“Thank God, one day Trump is gonna die. That is guaranteed. That is awesome. It’s important that things end and … I’m glad things end because it forces things to progress. I get really frustrated in the world because I see a lot of things that could be better but aren’t better because things haven’t died yet.”

Do I really think this actor wants someone to assassination Donald Trump?  Of course not.  But imagine if he had said this about Hillary.

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