Crisis Pregnancy Centers deceive women, are run by religious nut-job con artists, and are dangerous to our society. Or at least that is what Patton Oswalt and Samantha Bee want you to believe.
In a video that went viral, the two “comedians” (though I argue they aren’t really funny) take on crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) and make all sorts of outrageous and absolutely false accusations against them. From claiming that CPCs falsify medical results to accusing them of being manipulative by providing free ultrasounds, the sketch is pure propaganda for the National Abortion Federation. One scene even has a woman who chose to have her baby after visiting a CPC now admitting on screen that she wishes she would aborted her son! How terribly sad!
And the worst part of the trashy video? The mainstream media is praising the video and claiming that it exposes the “truth” about crisis pregnancy centers. Huffington Post, Vox, Salon and all the other usual suspects are spreading the outright lies found in the video and treating all of its misinformation as newsworthy fact. Its been clear for a long time that the abortion industry has the liberal media in their pockets, but this is just one more clear indication that the media isn’t even trying to be fair or be unbiased journalists. Its ridiculous!
So what is the truth about crisis pregnancy centers? They are resource centers for mothers and fathers who have an unexpected pregnancy. They give a woman all the facts about her pregnancy and options so that she can make an informed decision. Many centers provide free ultrasounds and pre-natal counseling, licensed counselors, parenting classes, free diapers and cribs, and any other support she might need before, during and after pregnancy.
There are no smoke and mirrors or cons like Samantha Bee suggests. Unlike abortion clinics, which often present abortion as the best or only option for a women, CPCs empower women by giving them ALL the information they need to make a good decision for themselves and their baby.
I’m so sick of women like Samantha acting like they own the market on feminism because they believe abortion is a good thing. Those of us who are pro-life are the ones who are actually celebrating how strong and unique women are. We are the ones who come alongside women in crisis and say, “You got this!”
Thank you to all the amazing, hard-working, loving people who work and volunteer in local crisis pregnancy centers around the country. You are saving precious lives and empowering beautiful women! Keep up the great work!