Do you know what’s REALLY deplorable? Comparing Trump’s election to 9/11

Do you know what’s REALLY deplorable? Comparing Trump’s election to 9/11 November 10, 2016

Supporters of Donald Trump have been called a million names over the course of this election cycle, but the editor in chief of Mother Jones just took this to a new level. On Twitter, she said she feels as sad now after the election of Donald Trump as she did when she watched the World Trade Center fall:

Yes, she did that.



So, let me get this straight.

You are as upset that your preferred candidate didn’t win in a democratic election as you were when thousands of people were murdered.

That has to feel good to the survivors of September 11th or to the family members who lost loved ones.

Yes, Trump supporters have been called “deplorable.”  But remember that the ones who gleefully labeled us that are people like that woman.

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