Feminists are making “pussy hats” to protest Donald Trump because why wouldn’t they?

Feminists are making “pussy hats” to protest Donald Trump because why wouldn’t they? January 13, 2017

Feminists have planned to march in Washington the day after Donald Trump is inaugurated and thousands will be wearing hand-knitted “pussy hats” — no, seriously — in protest over fears he is going to take away women’s rights.  And this is why the feminist movement can’t be taken seriously.

It’s called the PussyHat Project, because of course it is, and was organized by screenwriter Krista Suh and architect Jayna Zweiman, two women who obviously have nothing better to do on Thanksgiving. Over turkey dinner, they envisioned “a sea of pink” for the planned Women’s March on January 21st and got their knitting buddies to get started on the hats.

“Pink is considered a very female color representing caring, compassion, and love — all qualities that have been derided as weak but are actually STRONG,” states the project’s mission. “Wearing pink together is a powerful statement that we are unapologetically feminine and we unapologetically stand for women’s rights.”

The caps have cat ears sewn into them and are meant to “reclaim the term as a means of empowerment.”

“In this day and age, if we have pussies we are assigned the gender of ‘woman,’” notes the mission statement. (Yay scientific facts!) However, you noticed the quotes because as expected, “Women, whether transgender or cisgender, are mistreated in this society…. we are standing up for our rights.” (Boo scientific facts!)

There isn’t a final number on how many caps will be knitted, but there could be 30,000 or maybe even 100,000. Knitters are working around the clock in preparation, especially in New York City where “PussyHat knitters” are invited to Knitty City every Tuesday to make more. There’s even an instructional video on YouTube.

There wouldn’t have been a need for pussy hats had Hillary Clinton been elected. The Women’s March was already planned as a celebration of that hopeful day. But because President Misogynist is taking over and once talked about grabbing women in their privates, these feminists want to take the word back and shove it back in his face… with yarn. That’ll show him!

It must be sad to be a feminist; it’s always “doom and gloom” and “the sky is falling” and “I have no rights.” Not to mention having no self-respect by wearing that silly hat. Seriously?! You have no rights? Who’s stopping you from marching by the thousands in Washington D.C. in front of the new president wearing a pussy hat? If America is holding you back, try doing that somewhere else!

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H/T Red Alert Politics

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